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紫薇绒蚧(Eriococous lagerstroemiae Kuwana)寄生于千屈菜科(Lythraceae)的紫薇(Lager-stroenia indica Linnaeus)和石榴科(Punicaceae)的石榴(Punica granatum Linnaeus),在我国南、北方都有分布,东半部发生比较普遍而严重,因其为害而造成紫薇的死亡在公园、庭院中并不鲜见,是这两种观賞植物的最重要害虫。据1980~1983年在山东泰安观察,此种蚧每年发生2代,10月中、下旬以第二代的二龄若虫在寄主枝条表而越冬。越冬若虫体暗红色,体背被薄蜡粉层,体緣周围有蜡丝,越冬死亡率为66%。次年3月中旬越冬若虫开始发育,体色转鲜艳,4月上旬转移一次場所,随之雌雄分化,4月末越冬代成虫即出现。雄性成虫存活时间短,未能观察到雌雄交配过程。5月末6月初雌成虫性成熟并产卵,卵产于植绒伪介壳内的虫体后方。6月下旬,第一代若虫孵化并沿寄主枝条的纵裂縫处固定为害。8月中、下旬至9月上旬出现第二代若虫,以該代的二龄若虫越冬。 Eriococous lagerstroemiae Kuwana (Lager-stroenia indica Linnaeus) and Punica granatum Linnaeus (Paracomegalidae) parasitized in Lythraceae are distributed in both southern and northern China, Half of the occurrence of more common and serious, because of the damage caused by the death of crape myrtle in the park, the courtyard is not uncommon, is the most important pests of these two ornamental plants. According to the observation from 1980 to 1983 in Taian, Shandong Province, this species of kelp occurs 2 generations per year, and the second generation nymphs of the second generation winters in the host branch table in mid-to-late October. Overwintering nymph body dark red, body back was thin wax layer, the body around the wax wire, overwintering mortality was 66%. In the middle of March next year, overwintering nymphs begin to develop, their body color turns vivid, and they are transferred once in early April. As a result, they will differentiate in both sexes. At the end of April, overwintering adults will emerge. Male adult survival time is short, failed to observe the male and female mating process. At the end of May and early June, adult female sexually mature and spawn. The eggs are produced in the back of parasites in the flocking pseudo-shell. In late June, the first generation nymphs hatch and are fixedly harmed along the longitudinal cracks of the host branches. The second generation of nymphs appear in mid-August and early-September, with the second instar nymphs of this generation overwintering.
Bipolaroxin,是近年来由美国蒙大拿州立大学和康奈尔大学的几位学者,从侵袭常见杂草狗牙根的病原真菌Bipolaris cynodontis中分离出的一种毒素。这种真菌毒素由碳、氢和氧组
白杨透翅蛾Paranthrene tabaniformis Rott.普遍发生在杨树适生地区,危害杨树幼苗及大树1—2年生枝条,特别是幼苗被害严重时可使全部死亡。目前对该虫最有效的防治方法是在