“专家管理”? 还是“管理专家”?

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与其他行业相比,我国医疗卫生体制的改革一直滞后。近几个月来,却是脚步声声,鼓点阵阵——医疗卫生体制改革步伐加快了。权威人士言语铿锵:“在卫生体制改革中,国家将‘大踏步’后退。”国退民进,退出来的“舞台”将由非公有医疗机构充填。接着,登台亮相的该是主角“医院职业院长”,也就是懂经营、会管理的“管理专家”!对于“职业院长”这一舶来之称,全体“演职员”知之甚少,不免心生疑窦。《职业院长渐行渐近》一幕力图全方位、深层次、多角度地细说端详,解疑释惑。再接着英智眼科医院及其职业院长战平展示职业医院的职业素质和职业院长的管理理念。这场医疗改革的大戏,前无古人,从导演到跑龙套者,大家都在“处女秀”,难免出现不和谐音,这从医疗管理MBA培训班目前存在的问题中可见一斑。也可能出现噪音!诚信是职业素质之根本,但现状却令人担优;呼唤职业院长的同时,更要呼唤诚信! Compared with other industries, the reform of China’s medical and health system has been lagging behind. In recent months, there have been footsteps and drumming - the pace of reforms in the health care system has accelerated. The authoritative source said: “In the reform of the health system, the country will retire.” The “stage” for the country to retreat from the people and to withdraw will be filled by non-public medical institutions. Then, the protagonist who appeared on stage was the “Hospital Career Dean,” which was the “management expert” who knew how to manage and manage! For the “professional dean,” the foreign name, the entire “playing staff” knew very little, and it was inevitable. Heart suspicions. “Professional Directors Gradually Asymptotic” tries to explain in detail, in-depth, multi-perspective, and dispel doubts. Then the Yingzhi Eye Hospital and its professional presidents showed the professional quality of occupational hospitals and the management concept of professional directors. The drama of this medical reform is unprecedented. From directors to runners, everyone is in the “virgin show” and it is inevitable that dissonance will occur. This is evident from the current problems in the medical management MBA training class. There may also be noise! ​​Integrity is the essence of professional quality, but the status quo is worthwhile. When you call for a career leader, you must call for honesty!
芒果果核象甲Sternochetus mangiferae (Fab.)开始是在圣路西亚岛发现,以后在马丁尼克岛和哥德洛普也发现芒果果核象甲。人们怀疑芒果果核象甲蔓延到加勒比海其它岛屿。为了
笔者工作于武汉市儿童医院档案部门,多年的实践使我认识到,新形势下的档案室编研工作仍然要贯彻“服务”这个主题,赋予其全新的内涵。 The author worked in the file depa