【摘 要】
译/唐 凡 这个时代最in的街头文化是什么?当然是街舞时尚啦:松松垮垮的牛仔裤、绝妙的舞步、大胆绚目的涂鸦、成段饶舌的说唱……酷毙了吧?那就一起来吧!
译/唐 凡
theDivinePonytail:everybody's faVoHrie Buddhist.Roberto Baggio was the kind of intelligent footballer that made the Italian 1eague so addictive a decade ago and the classic
你学习英语多久了? 答:我今年14岁,是初中三年级的学生,从小学一年级开始学习英语至今已经八年多了。学习英语是一个循序渐进的过程,需要持之以恒。
选注/金今 冬季的时光漫长而沉闷,但也不乏很多令人欢欣愉悦的日子。让我们环游世界走一遭吧。
Pot-luck parties are popular in homes in English classes.People can try students’food from different countries.Unfortunately,nobody likes the teacher’s food!What would you cook?
编注/张 晴 下文黑体加下划线的英文成语中都有一个词与山川日月的关,请先读一读下面的小故事,猜猜它们的意思。
如是 卡里纳并没有采用特定的某几座桥,因为这样很可能会突出与桥对应的那个国家;相么,他翻阅了艺术史书籍中桥梁的图片,再通过制图软件提取了不同的桥的不同部分,创造出了代表多种建筑风格的虚拟图案。
选注/肖 宁 Warnin:Things aren’t always what they seem.Think twice before you order new foods from a menu.
in the decade when 1 was the lead reporteron climate change for the New York Times,.nearly every blizzard or cold wave that hitthe Northeast would bring the same conversationat work. Somebody in the
Tired of abuse by mankind, the earth is angry. Worse, the planet is out to eventhe score! Audiences can expect a story along those lines when M.Night Shyamalan'sfilm The Happening reaches screens th
A study published recently in thejournal Developmental Psychologyfinds that excessive discussion oftheir problems might harm preteenand teen girls more than it helpsthem. Researchers even coined ate