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乌鲁木齐市的牛桂英咨询:t前两天我接到一个电话,说要我到苎院领取传票,还要我按照语音提示转到人工服务,说我的信用卡透支了,要我提供姓名和身份证号。请问,我应该相信么?乌鲁木齐市中级人民法院立案庭答复:根据民事诉讼法规定,送达诉讼文书有六种方式,一是直接送达,二是留置送达,三是委托送达,四是邮寄送达,五是转交送达,六 Niu Guiying, Urumqi Consulting: Two days ago, I received a phone call asking me to get a subpoena from the Ramie Institute and asked me to go to the manual service according to the voice prompts, saying that my credit card was overdone and asked me to provide my name and identity Certificate May I believe? Urumqi Intermediate People’s Court Case Court Reply: According to the Civil Procedure Law, there are six ways to serve legal documents, one is direct service, the other is service delivery, the third is entrusted service, the fourth Is delivered by mail, the fifth is delivered, six
作者从多年的英语教学实践中,深深体会到今年英语考试重在考查语言交际能力的使用,笔者从多角度进行阐述,为进一步学好英语,提高考生的应试策略,提供了有益的参考。 From ma
玛丽家有5口人,他们是爸爸、妈妈、汤姆、彼得和玛丽。圣诞节前一天的晚上,除了玛丽,家里的每个人都睡觉了。There are five people in Mary’s family.They are Father,Moth
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On May 15,Wuzhou industrialization project on the recollection,processing and utilization of imported recovered resource,the only recov- ered resource processin
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想要拥有幸运和富有吗?也许招财猫能够把这两样美好的东西带给你。 Want to have luck and wealth? Maybe Lucky Cat can bring these two wonderful things to you.