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  Though a trip through Beijing has plenty of historical architecture to offer, the city’s skyline also holds many feats of modern design. However, unlike Shanghai, where most of the great structures are gathered around the Pudong bend to be viewed all at once, Beijing has spread out its contemporary landmarks throughout the city, making it difficult for architectural enthusiasts to sneak a gander at all of them. We therefore decided to gather them all into one place. Here is our list of Beijing’s most iconic modern buildings:
  CCTV Headquarters
   The “Big Pants”, as it is more commonly known, is one of just ten buildings in the city over 200m tall. Designed by Rem Koolhaas and Ole Schreeren, the towering loop of two leaning towers connected at the top and bottom by horizontal off-shots is now such an iconic structure that it is often used in film and television to establish that the story is set in Beijing.
  CITIC Tower
   Standing at 528m, CITIC tower is Beijing’s tallest building, and the tenth tallest skyscraper in the world. It also goes by the name Zhōngguó Zūn due to its distinctive skinny-waist shape that bears resemblance to an ancient Chinese wine vessel. The office building serves as the headquarters of CITIC Group, but the basement level will soon contain a large shopping center and subway station.
  Daxing International Airport
   In an effort to alleviate the unceasing growth in traffic to and from Beijing Capital International Airport, a new airport was built just about as far south as you can go while still technically staying within the boundaries of Beijing. This star-shaped mega building was the last building designed by the late architect Zaha Hadid. The terminals, which cover a massive 700,000 square meters, feature an abundance of art, shopping, and dining, so visitors won’t be nearly as bored as they are at Capital Airport.
  Phoenix Center
   Is it a smushed doughnut? A double helix? Perhaps a sort of Mobius strip? Lying at the southwest corner of Chaoyang Park, the Phoenix Center is an award-winning building that leaves much up to the interpretation of the on-looker. It was built to house Hong Kong broadcaster Phoenix TV, and occasionally opens to the public for exhibitions that show off the work of artists in addition to the stunning view from the inside.
  Pangu Plaza
   An unmissable structure when traveling through north Beijing, Pangu Plaza is the building with a wavy head. Its bizarre topper is meant to look like a dragon head (if you squint just right) that leads the body made up of four much shorter towers. As the logo on the side suggests, it is also housed IBM’s China headquarters.   National Library North Area
   The original National Library building, though it was built in 1987, would not look out of place in the China of old. Just after the Olympics, however, a sleek new building was added to the library campus. Appropriately, it somewhat resembles a giant silver book, or less appropriately, a ship from Star Trek, especially when the front windows are lit up at night (though you’ll have to venture to Fujian province to see a real USS Enterprise-shaped-building). As it is a public facility, you can even go see the inside of the building, and foreigners can obtain a reader card using their passport.
  National Centre for the Performing Arts
   It’s not hard to see how this theater earned the nickname of the “Giant Egg.” With an opera hall, a music hall, several art exhibition halls, and restaurants, the National Centre for the Performing Arts is also the largest theater building in Asia. Besides the shape, its most distinctive feature is its exterior transitions from glass to titanium and the surrounding reflection pool.
  People’s Daily Headquarters
   Not far from the Big Pants, the People’s Daily Headquarters caught a lot of flack in the design world while it was under construction due to its rather phallic appearance. Upon completion, though, it was able to shed the laughter and hold the city in awe with its shiny new fa?ade that makes it look more like a wind sail. The original design included a helipad and planned for large satellite dishes to be placed within its hollow tip, but we like it just the way it turned out.
  China World Tower
   In contrast with the vase-like CITIC Tower, this the second tallest building in Beijing has a chubby waist and thins out at both ends. Its crowning feature is, of course, its crown, which catches the eye when gazing across the skyline. Atop sits Atmosphere Bar, which may just have the best view of the city of any bar in town.
  National Stadium
   Better known by its nickname the “Bird’s Nest”, the National Stadium is recognizable by its steel beams that intersect and criss-cross like a bamboo forest. The stadium, which seats 91,000 spectators, was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Since then it has been used for major football games and other sporting events. It is also scheduled to be used for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.
  National Aquatics Center
   Another famous Olympic facility with a catchy nickname, the “Water Cube” is defined by its bubbly fa?ade and was used for the Olympic swimming competitions and afterward was opened to the public as an indoor water park. In preparation for the 2022 Winter Olympics, it has undergone a transformation into an “Ice Cube” and will host the Olympic curling events.   Digital Beijing Building
   This giant data center, too, was erected to serve the needs of the 2008 Olympics and sits adjacent to Pangu Plaza and the National Stadium. From the west-side view, fittingly, the Digital Beijing Building’s horizontal and diagonal lines evoke the circuits of a computer chip. From the south, one can see that the building is actually four separate sections, unequally divided and spaced.
  Olympic Tower
   Overlooking the Olympic Park, the Olympic Tower is made up of five connected towers that bloom into circular observation decks at the tops. The tower was built to commemorate the 2008 games coming to Beijing, and its only functional purpose is to get a nice view of the city.
  Wangjing Soho
   Wangjing Soho was designed by architect Zaha Hadid and features three separate shark fin-like buildings of varying heights and widths. At 200 meters, the tower is the world’s fifth tallest building designed by a woman.
  Galaxy SOHO
   This massive SOHO is another work of the late Hadid, and similarity can be seen in the vertical lines around the curvilinear buildings. Between its four towers lies a courtyard that has been known to host more than a few of our festivals.
  Leeza Soho
   Zaha Hadid’s final impression on Beijing, the Leeza Soho in Fengtai was completed at the end of 2019, and is a continuation of her fascination with curvilinear elements and design. At nearly 200-meters-tall, the atrium is the biggest in the world and is cleverly designed so that its 45-degree angle allows sunlight into all of its 46 floors, which mostly hold office space.
  Beijing Poly Theatre
   Built in 2000, Dongsishitiao’s imposing Poly Theatre and sprawling bronze mural is likely one of the first buildings to catch the attention of visitors. The 1,400-seat theater houses plays, music, and opera throughout the year.
  Bank of China Headquarters
   The Bank of China Headquarters in Xicheng was designed by the late Guangzhou-born architect I. M. Pei, who died last year at the age of 102. Completed in 1982, the bank marks Pei’s first China-based project, 40 years after his initial departure, and eschews a skyscraper-type design for something more subdued so not to overshadow important low-lying structures in the heart of the Chinese capital such as the Forbidden City. Pei also leaves behind the Fragrant Hill Hotel in Beijing’s northwest.
  北京城上下不僅拥有大量历史建筑,其天际线更见证了当代建筑设计的辉煌成就。北京与上海不同:上海多数大型建筑都聚集在浦东江湾一带,于一地即可欣赏完毕;而北京的当代地标建筑则分布在城市各处,建筑爱好者很难尽览。因此,我们将北京最具标志性的现代建筑汇集于一处,以下便是这份清单:   中央电视台总部大楼
  位于北京西城区的中国银行总行大厦由出生在广州的已故建筑师贝聿铭设计。贝聿铭先生于2019年去世,享年102岁。中国银行总行大厦于1982年竣工,是贝聿铭离开中国40年后首次操刀设计的中国项目。贝聿铭未将其设计为摩天大楼,而是限制其高度,以免让首都中心地带低矮却极其重要的建筑黯然失色,如紫禁城。贝聿铭留给后世的作品还有北京西北部的香山饭店。           □
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