
来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szhanyc
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1998年,根据《国务院关于进一步深化粮食流通体制改革的决定》,为加快粮食企业经营机制的转换,保证收购资金封闭运行,将粮棉油企业的附营业务及其资金与收储企业及其资金进行了分离,并划转到有关商业银行。当时因种种原因,附营业务并没有全部划转,仍有相当一部分滞留在农发行,对这部分贷款还必须加强管理,笔者建议应采取如下措施:1.实现二次划转。建议上级行协调人民银行重新制定附营业务占用贷款的划转办法,对不属于政策性的资产,不管何种原因,经营状况如何,一律划转到有关商业银行,使政策性银行彻底摆脱非政策性业务,轻装上阵,集中精力搞好收购资金封闭运行。2.实行资产剥离,在农发行内部成立资产保全部门,对不良资产进行分账管理、单独核算。理由有二:一是附营业务与 In 1998, in accordance with the “Decision of the State Council on Further Reforming the Circulation System of Grain”, in order to speed up the transformation of the operating mechanism of grain enterprises and ensure the closed operation of the funds for acquisition, the supplementary business of the grain and cotton oil enterprises and their funds, Funds were separated and transferred to the relevant commercial banks. At that time, due to various reasons, ancillary businesses did not all transferred, there is still a considerable part of the stranded in the Agricultural Development Bank, this part of the loan must also be strengthened management, the author suggests the following measures should be taken: 1. To achieve secondary transfer. It is suggested that the higher bank should coordinate the People’s Bank of China to re-establish the transfer of occupying loans in the supplementary business and transfer all the non-policy assets to the commercial banks concerned regardless of the reasons and operating conditions so that the policy banks can completely get rid of them Policy-based business, light-loaded, concentrate on doing a good job of closing funds acquisition. 2. The implementation of asset divestiture, the establishment of the asset-security sector within the Agricultural Development Bank, the non-performing assets of the branch management, separate accounting. There are two reasons: First, ancillary business and
一、前言 长江自宜宾至宜昌河段俗称川江,长约104.5公里。这段河流流经丘陵和高山峡谷,属于山区河流。其平面形态的形成,主要受河谷地形、地质及水流与河床长期相互作用所决