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书法家吕维诚吕维诚艺术简介:吕维诚,男,号虑淡斋主、观云斋主,祖籍广东南海,出生于广西横县。中国书法家协会会员,南宁市书法家协会秘书长。幼承家传,耽于文学及书画艺术。先后就读于杭州东方美术函授学院及石家庄无墙学院研习书法,均以优异成绩结业。书法作品曾作为南宁市政府外交礼品赠送多个国家并被六家博物馆列为藏品。出版有《百花诗书白描画谱》、《八大草书名帖技法讲析》等八部专著。艺绩入编《中国当代书法家辞典》、《中国书画家》等多部大型辞书及专著。1986年,获南宁市“五象杯”书法大赛金奖1995年,获中国书法家协会主办的“屈原杯”全国书法大赛中年组二等奖1995年,获首都博物馆等单位主办的庆祝建国45周年海内外书法大赛国际展银奖1998年,获广西书法展览一等奖1999年,成功举办庆澳门回归“百花齐放锦绣神州”百米书法长卷即席挥毫1999年,获台湾国际文入画家总会会展书法精品奖2002年,入选中国书法家协会主办的第三届全国正书大展2004年,获南宁市政府第四届“五象工程”文艺奖2005年,获广西书法家协会主办的广西首届“路文化”书法大赛一等奖2005年,获中国书家协会主办的“冼夫人奖”全国书法大赛优秀奖2006年,获南宁市政府第五届“五象工程”文艺奖2006年,获南宁市优秀文艺家称号在云南的原始森林中,时见一两人合抱之树倒毙于地,其身上缠满的各种藤蔓植物却郁郁葱葱。当地同行者介绍,藤蔓植物为与大树争夺阳光而依大树攀爬向上,前仆后继。日久,终致大树轰然倒 Calligrapher Lv Weicheng Lv Weicheng Art Description: Lv Weicheng, male, consider light vegetarian, view cloud vegetarian, native of Guangdong South China Sea, was born in Guangxi Hengxian. Chinese Calligraphers Association, Nanning City Calligraphers Association Secretary-General. Young Cheng Chuan, indulged in literature and calligraphy and painting art. He studied at Hangzhou Oriental Art Institute and Shijiazhuang No Wall Academy to study calligraphy, both with good grades. Calligraphy works have been presented as gifts to the Nanning government diplomacy many countries and was listed as a collection of six museums. He has published eight monographs, such as “Hundred Flowers Poems and White Paintings” and “Eight Cursive Calligraphy Techniques”. Performance into the “Chinese contemporary calligraphers dictionary”, “Chinese calligraphers” and many other large dictionaries and monographs. In 1986, Nanning City won the “Five Elephant Cup” calligraphy contest gold medal In 1995, the Chinese calligraphers Association hosted the “Qu Yuan Cup” national calligraphy competition middle age group second prize 1995, by the Capital Museum and other units hosted Celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Founding of the PRC International Calligraphy Exhibition at home and abroad silver medal In 1998, won the first prize in Guangxi calligraphy exhibition In 1999, successfully hosted the celebration of Macao’s return “Hundred Flowers blossomed Shenzhou” hundred meters of calligraphy scroll impromptu 1999, by Taiwan International Into the painter’s Association Convention and Exhibition Calligraphy Award In 2002, selected the China Calligraphers Association hosted the Third National Book Fair 2004, Nanning City government by the fourth “Five Elephant Project ” literary award in 2005, won The First Prize of Guangxi “Calligraphy Culture” Calligraphy Competition Sponsored by Guangxi Calligrapher Association In 2005, it won the Excellent Award of “Xian Madame Award” and “National Calligraphy Contest” sponsored by China Book Association In 2006, it won the fifth prize of Nanning Municipal Government In 2006, won the title of outstanding artists in Nanning In Yunnan’s virgin forest, when I saw one or two embracing the tree fell to the ground, the body is full of all kinds of vines are lush . Introduced by local colleagues, the vines compete for the sunshine with the trees and climb up the tree, following. As time goes by, finally caused the tree crashing down
记者挨打,已属屡见不鲜,见多不怪。据统计,近一年来全国已有二十余起记者遭围攻殴打而致伤致残的案件发生。甚至有记者遭“黑枪”、追杀及种种威胁恐吓。 就在全国记协维权
撰写述职报告应注意突出文体特点,并正确处理述职内容所涉及的几个关系。 Written report should pay attention to highlight the stylistic features, and the right to d
20 0 1年 6月 6日至 9日 ,中国电影电视技术学会 (以下简称“影视学会”)第八届学术年会暨四届二次理事会在四川成都举行。国家广播电影电视总局张海涛副局长、中国科协学会
文中研究了牙输钻头工作的规律。分析认为,对于非粘结性岩石,牙输钻头的效率远未发挥,必须改进钻头结构,建立合理的凿岩制度。 In this paper, the law of the work of the
当前的广播电视报必须在电子媒介和印刷媒介的夹缝中 重新审视自己,发挥独立与联姻的双重优势,才能够成为电 子媒介的左膀右臂。关键和重点是开发自己的资源,正确认 识自己的优