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出处:《左传·僖公二十三年》:“晋楚治兵,遇于中原,其避君三舍。”解析:春秋时,晋献公偏爱自己的妃子骊姬,并听信她的谗言,封她为夫人,还立了骊姬的儿子做太子。但献公原来的夫人生有申生和重耳二子,申生早被封为太子了,骊姬便设计害死了申生,并派人追杀重耳。重耳逃出了晋国,在外流亡了十几年。经过千辛万苦,重耳来到楚国。楚成王认为重耳日后必 Source: “Zuo Xi public twenty-three years”: “Jinchu soldiers, in the Central Plains, the avoidance of monarchy.” "Analysis: Spring and Autumn Period, Jin Xiangong prefer their own concubine Li Ji, and listen to her The slogan, sealed her as his wife, also set up the son of Li Ji prince. However, the original wife gave birth to a student and heavy ear Er Shi, Shen Sheng has long been sealed as a prince, and Li Ji designed to kill Shen students, and sent to kill heavy ears. Ear ears escaped Jin, exile for more than a decade. After lots of hard work, heavy ears came to the Chu State. Chu Cheng Wang believes that after ear will be
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AIM: To investigate the correlation between ASCA and presence of mucosal S. cerevisiae DNA in a population of CD, ulcerative colitis (UC) patients and controls.
Intracranial hypertension is a major cause of morbidity and mortality of patients suffering from fulminant hepatic failure. The etiology of this intracranial hy
Background. DisuloneTM (dapsone +iron oxalate) is a sulfone used in the treatment of numerous skin diseases. We report two cases of hepatosiderosis secondary to
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AIM: To investigate the efficacy of angiotensinⅡreceptor antagonist on hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) activation in the patients with non-alcoholic steatohepati
有报道称原虫、蠕虫感染可引起荨麻疹、瘙痒、皮炎等皮肤过敏性疾病。为了解寄生虫感染与皮肤过敏是否有关 ,2 0 0 0年 3月~ 2 0 0 2年 4月 ,调查了2 18名反复出现荨麻疹、瘙