黄连是毛茛科植物黄连,三角叶黄连或云连的干燥根茎,又称味连、雅连、云连。性味苦寒,归心、脾、胃、肝、胆、大肠经。临床药用广泛,具有清热燥湿,泻火解毒功能。用于湿热痞满、呕吐、泻痢、黄疸、高热神昏,心火亢盛,心烦不寐,血热吐(血丑),目赤吞酸,牙痛,消渴,痈肿疗疮,外治湿疹,湿疮,耳道流脓,近年来对黄连及其炮制品研究不少,现介绍如下。 黄连炮制历史沿革 黄连的炮制品见于历代文献中至少有24种之多,其中酒黄连、姜黄连、吴萸连沿用至今,黄连炮制品
Coptis chinensis is a dried rhizome of the Ranunculaceae plant Coptis, Coptis chinensis or Yunlian, also known as Weilian, Yalian, and Yunlian. Taste of bitter cold, the heart, spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, large intestine. Wide range of clinical drugs, with heat dampness, Xiehuo detoxification function. For hot and humid fullness, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, high fever, faint heart, hearty fire, upset, bloody vomiting (blood ugly), red eyes, sour, toothache, diabetes, swollen sore, outside Treatment of eczema, sore, ear discharge, in recent years, a lot of research on berberine and its processed products, are introduced below. Coptis concocted the history of Coptis Rhynchophylla in the literature has seen at least as many as 24 species, including wine Huang Lian, Jiang Huanglian, Wu Qi Lian still used today, Huang Lian products