
来源 :长安大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaowoyiao
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本文通过对振动压路机激振转子轴优化参数的确定和运动分析,建立压路机激振转子轴的优化设计数学模型,用复合形法进行优化迭代,试图对其它类似的激振轴优化问题具有普遍的意义。以YZ_(10)B和YZK—05两种推动压路机激振转子轴为例进行优化设计,证明方法是可行的,结果是满意的。 In this paper, the optimum design mathematical model of rotor shaft of roller compactor is established through the determination and analysis of the optimal parameters of the rotor shaft of vibratory roller. The complex iterative method is used to optimize the mathematical model of the rotor shaft, trying to optimize other similar exciting shaft. significance. Taking YZ_ (10) B and YZK-05 two kinds of promoting rotor shaft as an example, the optimal design is proves that the method is feasible and the result is satisfactory.
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