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爱普生(中国)有限公司宣布,将从9月1日至10月19日开展系列彩色激光打印机促销活动,凡购买 C900、C1900以及 C400Q 等 A4幅面彩色激光打印机的用户,均可分别获赠价值为人民币600元、600元、1100元不等的原装耗材折抵券。用户可以凭此券于购买打印机的经销商处购买该机型的爱普生原装耗材。作为爱普生彩色激光打印机的经典机型,C900以及 C1900自今年年初上市以来直在市场上占据着领先地位,其极快的打印速度(黑白16页/分钟、彩色4页/分钟)及高品质的输出质量获得了中小型商务用户的青睐;而 C4000更是由于其彩色与黑白打印同速(16页/分钟)的特点成为中档商用打印机的代名饲。此次爱普生推出这样的活动,是为了让用户可以更加安心地使用彩色激光打印机,更加轻松地领略彩色商务的多彩表现。 Epson China Ltd. announced that it will launch a series of color laser printer promotions from September 1 to October 19. Users who purchase A4 format color laser printers such as the C900, C1900 and C400Q can receive a total of RMB 600 yuan, 600 yuan, 1,100 yuan original supplies discount coupons. Users can purchase the printer with this coupon at the printer’s purchase of the original Epson models supplies. As a classic Epson color laser printer, the C900 and C1900 have been leading the market since the market debuted early this year with extremely fast print speeds (16 pages / minute for black and white, 4 pages / minute for color) and high quality The quality of the output is favored by small and medium-sized business users; and the C4000 is the name given to mid-range commercial printers due to its color and black-and-white print speed (16 pages / minute). The Epson launch of such activities is to allow users to be more peace of mind with the use of color laser printers, more easily understand the colorful performance of color business.
不久前,无线业界出现的一件事颇为蹊跷:在WLAN 市场中排名第一的 Intersil 公司忽然将该业务转售他人。时光倒转,2002年底有一篇标题为“Intersil 在 WLAN领域业绩骄人,连续
四零四科技(Moxa Technologies)创始于1987年,致力于PC-based的各种通讯产品的研发与制造,特别是在多串口卡(Multiport Serial Boards)方面,Moxa已在国际市场中占一席之地,
2005年,博客就像雨后春笋一样,各大中文网站纷纷推出了自已的博客,像新浪、搜狐等。“博客”(Blog或Web log)一词源于“Web Log(网络日志)”的缩写,是一种十分简易的傻瓜化个
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