Clinical effects of phototherapy combined with albumin administration on hyperbilirubinemia in newbo

来源 :中西医结合护理(中英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangur2
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Objective To investigate the effects of phototherapy combined with albumin administration on hyperbilirubinemia in newbs.Methods Totally 64 newbs with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia were randomly divided into the control group and the study group,with 32 cases in each group.The newbs in control group received phototherapy and routine care,while those in study group were administrated with intravenous injection of albumin in addition to phototherapy and routine care.The concentration of total serum bilirubin,newbsbody weight and amount of milk intake were measured before and after phototherapy.Results There was a significant difference in the milk intake between two groups after phototherapy (P < 0.05).There was no significant difference in the body weight or total serum bilirubin level of newbs between two groups after phototherapy (P > 0.05).Conclusion Combined application of phothotherapy and albumin administration on neonatal hyperbilirubinemia could promote the newbs appetite and improve the recovery of the neonates,but the effect on reducing blood bilirubin level and weight gain needs further study.
成立于新世纪初的南医大二附院内镜中心是目前江苏省规模最大、开展项目最全的内镜中心。她立足高起点,着眼高科技,引进了一流的内镜设备和一流的专业技术人才,集医疗、教学,科研于一体,开展了一系列先进的高难度内镜诊治项目,其诊疗水平已在国内处于领先地位。2001年,该中心被指定为江苏省内窥镜人才培训中心。  中心拥有世界一流的电子胃镜、电子肠镜、电子十二指肠镜、电视胆道镜、小儿电视胃镜、小儿电视肠镜、电视
1 IntroductionrnIn recent years,several intational standardized traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) nomenclatures have been published,including the major ones A
药枕疗法是将药物研粗束装入布袋内做枕头,用以治疗疾病的方法该疗法属“闻香治病法”,通过鼻窍吸入药气而获功效急慢性鼻炎相当于中医的“鼻渊”,按辨证可分风寒与风热两种类型 主要根据其涕清稀色淡抑或浓稠色黄而诊断 清稀者为风寒型,浓稠者为风热型,可分别采用以下两方施治。  风塞鼻渊药枕药物制备:荆芥、防风、薄荷、苍耳子、辛荑花各60克,白芷100克,桂枝、川芎各30克,白檀香20克,细辛15克如平素
外阴白色病变为女性外阴疾病。主要发生在大小阴唇、阴蒂、阴阜、肛周及两殷内侧,表现为皮肤粘膜不同程度的变白、粗糙、干裂、失去弹性。严重时还可发生局部糜烂、溃疡、大小阴唇萎缩。并伴有难忍的外阴瘙痒症状。  此病多发于30~50岁的妇女。绝大多数患者有外阴瘙痒症状,夜间和气候变化时加重,搔破后可引起溃疡、出血、感染。由于皮肤粗糙,缺乏弹性,萎缩变薄,可发生皲裂。病程长者,外阴皮肤增厚变粗如皮革或橘皮状,