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国标舞是来源于各个国家的民间舞蹈;是由古老的民间舞基础上演变而来;是是一项即体育、表演、竞技等多种艺术及体育于一体的体育竞技项目。在西方,从早期的舞厅舞,国标舞经历了无数种转变并规范发展而形成至今的国标舞。从20世纪80年代国标舞传入中国。中国有着五千多年历史文化的国家,在经济、文化多元化发展的今天,从京剧脸谱到红色旗袍,从中国功夫到,无一不显示出中国符号和标志。如今在这个各国之间友好往来,相互学习、融合的时代,人们逐渐意识到“民族的才是世界的”理念。近几年表演性的国标舞剧目层出不穷,琳琅满目,许多优秀的作品在创编中融入了大量的中国元素在其中,这也让观众容易从中找到共鸣感。 National standard dance is from all countries, folk dance; is based on the ancient folk dance evolved; is a sport, performance, sports and other arts and sports in one of the sports competitions. In the west, from the early ballroom dance, the national standard dance has undergone innumerable changes and standardized development to form the national standard dance. From the 1980s national standard dance into China. With more than 5,000 years of history and culture, China has displayed its Chinese symbols and symbols from the time when Kung Fu was handed down from Beijing Opera masks to the red cheongsam in the economic and cultural diversification. Nowadays, in an era of friendly exchanges, mutual learning and integration among all nations, people gradually come to realize that the concept of “nationality is the world”. In recent years, the performance of the national dance performance after another, dazzling array of many outstanding works in the creation of a large number of Chinese elements in which it also allows the audience to find a sense of ease from which.
机修小铸钢是一个年生产能力500 t左右的中小型铸造车间。其生产特点是中频感应电炉冶炼、连续三班作业,产品种类较多。为适应这生产特点,我们制作了烘干器,对铸型实施表面烘
1 临床资料  例 1,男 ,12岁。因腹痛伴发热 7d ,呕吐 2d入院。腹痛以中上腹为主 ,持续性钝痛 ,体温在 39~4 0℃之间 ,呕吐物均为胃内容物。无流行性腮腺炎接触史及病史 ,无暴
患儿女 ,32d。因双上肢无力半个月 ,发热 3d于 2 0 0 0年 3月 5日入院。患儿系第 1胎第 1产 ,足月顺产。生后四肢活动自如 ,无外伤。 15d后出现右上肢无力 ,活动少 ,无抬举动作
The uniformity of flow distribution of aluminum melt in tip cavity is a precondition to decide whether or not thin-gauge high-speed casting can be accomplished