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上海港引航管理站是上海港唯一的专职引航机构,负责对进出上海港及长江航道上海段的外国籍船舶实行强制引航,并接受远洋、近海航运公司的申请,提供引航技术和咨询服务。 精湛的引航技术 上海港黄浦江航道狭窄、曲折,通航船只密度大,水情变化复杂,在世界各国港口首屈一指,是被公认的引航难度最高的港口之一。上海港引航站以引领技术精湛而著称于世。现具有全天候引领第三、第四代超大型集装箱船进出港口和在港内调头的能力。1997年1月,成功地引领了有5250个箱位(实装900余箱)的第五代集装箱船“鲁河”轮首航上海港。同年4月,安全地引领13.5万吨级的超大型矿砂船“安特利斯”轮靠、离3.5万吨级的罗泾码头。9月,又引领长276米、吃水9.4米、有3800个箱位的第四代集装箱船“聪河”轮重载倒航进港,开引航史之先河。上海港引航站还出色地引领了豪华旅游船、大型滚装船、特种工程船、子母船和许多国家军舰等各种特种船舶进出港口,获得好评和赞誉。 高素质的职工队伍 上海港引航站共有职工420余人,技术力量雄厚,现有引 航员130名,其中高级引航员12名,一级引航员40名,二级引航员26名,三级引航员27 名;具有其它? Shanghai Pilot Station is the only full-time pilot in Shanghai. It is responsible for compulsory piloting of foreign ships entering and leaving Shanghai Port and the Shanghai section of the Yangtze River Channel. It also accepts applications from ocean-going and offshore shipping companies and provides piloting and consulting services. Superb pilot technology Shanghai Port Huangpu River narrow, twists and turns, navigable vessels density, complex changes in water conditions, second to none in the world’s ports, is recognized as one of the most difficult port pilot. Shanghai Pilot Terminal is famous for its skillful leadership. Now has the ability to lead the third and fourth generation of large container ships entering and leaving the port around the clock and U-turn inside the port. In January 1997, successfully led the fifth “container” “Luhe” vessel with a capacity of 5,250 boxes (containing more than 900 boxes) to make its first landing at the harbor. In April of the same year, it safely led the rotation of Antris, a 135,000-ton ultra-large ore carrier and a 35,000-ton Luojing wharf. In September, the fourth generation container ship “Conghe” with a length of 276 meters and a draft of 9.4 meters and a capacity of 3800 boxes was reloaded into the harbor. Shanghai Port Pilot Station also outstandingly led the luxury cruise ships, large ro-ro ships, special engineering ships, mothership ships and many other national warships and other special vessels entering and leaving the port and gained favorable comments and praise. High-quality workforce Shanghai Pilot Station employs a total of more than 420 workers and possesses strong technical force. The existing pilot has 130 pilots, including 12 senior pilots, 40 pilot pilots, 26 pilot pilots, 3 pilot pilots 27; have other?
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目的观察紫杉醇和卡铂静脉联合腹腔化疗治疗晚期卵巢癌的近期疗效及不良反应。方法 60例晚期卵巢上皮癌患者采用紫杉醇静脉化疗,其中紫杉醇135mg/m2,卡铂以曲线面积(AUC)=5腹
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屋顶停车场 在马来西亚吉隆坡的商业大楼有一座屋项停车场,升降机每分钟可以将20辆小汽车送上屋顶。 大厦停车场 德国建造的停车大厦有14层高,一次可以停各种汽车6000辆。
韩国大班轮公司去年在世界20大集装箱航运公司中的排位均有所提高,显示了其班轮运输公司总体经营规模增长之势,与此同时,一些中小公司的竞争实力也在不断得到加强。 韩进海