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白酒工业是我省传统的特色经济和优势产业,以国酒茅台为代表、包括习酒在内的一批黔酒品牌,曾经创造过夺目的历史辉煌。但是,由于种种原因,我省白酒产业的发展也曾遭遇挫折。省委、省政府高度重视白酒产业的发展,石宗源、林树森等领导同志多次对黔酒的振兴作出指示。近年来,在有关方面共同努力下,黔酒的发展振兴出现了可喜势头。茅台集团不但主体连续多年实现跨越式发展,而且其兼并联合的习酒等子公司也快速发展,带动黔酒重新坐回中国白酒二把交椅。贵州白酒不能没有茅台,但也不能只有茅台。在感到鼓舞的同时,我们也应该冷静地看到,总体而言,黔酒的优势还没有得到充分发挥,离做强做大、又好又快的发展要求还有距离。黔酒今后的路如何走,还需要进一步理清思路,并付诸实践。作为黔酒知名品牌,率先迈步全国市场的习酒曾上演了一幕花开花落的活剧。通过加盟茅台集团后近10年的励精图治,而今重又傲立市场。黔酒阵容中,有类似于习酒既往经历者不少。习酒的再生,对于整个黔酒的振兴有何启示?为此,本刊近日特派出调研组深入习酒公司进行专题调研,并形成本文,期冀能提供一个观察问题的角度,抛砖引玉,激发读者共同思考。 Liquor industry is the province’s traditional characteristics of the economy and advantages of industry, represented by the national wine Maotai, including learning wine, a group of Guizhou wine brand, has created a dazzling historic glory. However, due to various reasons, the development of liquor industry in our province also suffered setbacks. Provincial Party committee, provincial government attaches great importance to the development of liquor industry, Shi Zongyuan, Lin Shusen and other leading comrades on several occasions to give instructions to the revitalization of Guizhou wine. In recent years, with the joint efforts of relevant parties, there has been a welcome momentum for the development and rejuvenation of Guizhou Wine. Maotai Group not only achieved continuous leaps and bounds in its main business for many years in a row, but also its subsidiary companies such as the Merger and Acquisition Company merged rapidly to promote the relocation of Guizhou Wine to the second place of Chinese liquor. Guizhou liquor can not be without Maotai, but it can not only Maotai. While we are encouraged, we should also calmly see that, on the whole, the advantages of Guizhou Wine have not yet been brought into full play and there is still a long way to go for the bigger and bigger, better and faster development. Guizhou wine how to go in the future, but also need to further clarify ideas, and put into practice. As a well-known brand of Guizhou wine, took the lead in the national market of wine has staged a lively flower scene. Maotai Group by joining the past 10 years of good governance, and now proud and proud of the market. Guizhou wine lineup, there are many past experience similar to learning wine. Therefore, we recently dispatched a research group to conduct a special survey on the research company and set up this article, aiming to provide a perspective on the issue of observation, start a discussion and inspire Readers think together.
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进口葡萄酒在中国市场的快速增长终于激起了国际知名酒展的“进攻欲望”。2012年12月13日,VINISUD Asia(地中海葡萄酒亚洲展)新闻发布会在北京希尔顿酒店举行,宣布2013年2月