积极引进外资 发展开放型经济

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历城区是省会济南最大的城郊型市辖区。近几年来,这个区紧紧围绕“抓住机遇,加快发展”这一主题,解放思想,更新观念,扩大开放,全方位实施外向带动战略,实现了对外开放和经济建设的持续、快速、健康发展,全区开放型经济取得了显著成绩。截至目前,兴办并新批三资企业154家,合同利用外资1177万美元,出口商品交货值完成4.5亿元。开放带来发展。几年来,历城区不断强化机遇意识和竞争意识,走出了一条投入、引进、开放、发展的道路。(一)积极招商引资。先进地区的成功经验证明,以利用外资为重点,有利于加快筹措资金、引进先进技术,加快与国际市场接轨的步伐。从历城区的实践看,要实现经济的持续快速发展,单靠现有基础和自身的力量是不行的,必须面向国内外全方位招商引资。历城区按照山东省政府的部署,切实把利用 Licheng District is the capital of Jinan, the largest suburban city area. In recent years, the district has been closely following the theme of “seizing opportunities and accelerating development”, emancipating the mind, updating concepts, expanding opening up, and implementing an all-round outward-driving strategy to achieve a sustained and rapid opening up to the outside world and economic construction , The healthy development of the region’s open economy has made remarkable achievements. Up to now, 154 enterprises with foreign investment have been established and newly approved, with the contractual use of foreign capital of 11.77 million U.S. dollars and the delivery value of export commodities of 450 million yuan. Open to bring development. Over the past few years, Licheng District continue to strengthen awareness of opportunities and sense of competition, out of a investment, the introduction, opening up and development. (A) actively attract investment. The successful experience of advanced regions has proved that focusing on the utilization of foreign capital is conducive to speeding up the mobilization of funds, introducing advanced technologies and accelerating the pace of convergence with the international market. From the practice of Licheng District, it is impossible to rely solely on the existing foundation and its own strength in order to achieve the sustained and rapid economic development. It must be geared towards the all-round investment attraction at home and abroad. Licheng District in accordance with the deployment of Shandong Provincial Government, to effectively use
身处农村,陈华当初下决心搞新闻实在不容易.写出的稿子还没发表,别人的风凉话就已飘来:瞎折腾个啥?能当吃,能当喝?生就的猪八戒,就甭想吃那天鹅肉! 他脸红过,却并不灰心.为
一、顺利渡过“改革关键年”刚刚过去的1994年,是“改革关键年”。遵循十四届三中全会《决定》精神,按照“总体推进、重点突破”的方针,在 First, the smooth passage of
他是一个平凡的人,他的事迹是平凡的事迹。但是,一般人却很难做到象他那样为党的教育事业扎根农村不动摇。 从1962年至今,已有29个寒来暑往,他一直坚持在位于海淀区西北边陲