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射孔技术是油气勘探开发中的一项关键技术.四川石油管理局测井公司长期高度重视射孔技术的发展,依靠自身优势,积极面向市场,在新型射孔器的研制、射孔工艺技术的开发、优化射孔及效果评价方面都取得了突出的成就.同时将产品和技术迅速推向市场,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益,在( 超) 深穿透射孔工艺、水平井射孔工艺、过油管张开式射孔、射孔?测试联作、全通径射孔工艺、分层开采中的射孔、高温高压深井( 超深井)油管传输射孔和射孔后丢枪的一次性完井管柱等技术上取得了众多成果;并跟踪世界先进技术发展趋势,积极研制了超正压射孔、油管传输和高能气体压裂复合射孔、定方位射孔、小井眼射孔和与完井封隔器联作的油管输送技术等射孔储备技术,使之成为国内有较大影响的射孔技术基地.“,”Perforating technique is one of the key techniques in oil and gas exploration and development and the Logging Company of SPA has paid extra attention to the development in perforating techniques for a long time.According to one′s own advantages and in consideration of the needs of the market,some outstanding achievements have been obtained in the following aspects,i.e.the research and making of modern perforators,the development in perforating techniques,the optimization of perforation and the evaluation of perforating results.Meanwhile,the remarkable economic returns and social effect have been achieved through rapidly putting the products and techniques into markets.Many achievements have been got in the following techniques as (ultro) deeply perforating technique,horizontal well perforating technique,through tubing opening perforation,perforating testing joint operation,all pass diameter perforating technique,zonal production perforation,high temperature high pressure deep (ultro deep) well tubing conveyed perforation and post perforation gun lost one trip completion pipe string,etc.Some reserve perforating techniques,such as super positive pressure perforation,tubing conveyed and high energy gas fracturing combination perforation,oriented perforation,slim hole perforation and tubing transportation technique jointly operated with well completion packer,etc.,have been actively developed for tracing the developing trend of the advanced techniques in the world,thus causing the company to become a perforating technique base with a great impact in China.
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11月21日,国家工商总局与北京市政府签署推进首都广告业发展战略合作协议,确立了在京建设国家级广告产业示范区、全国广告产品交易 On November 21, SAIC and Beijing Munic