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抗日战争时期,在延安窑洞里的毛泽东和党中央总是能及时而又准确地掌握和了解蒋介石国民党在政治、军事等方面的各种企图。解放战争时期,在华北各地转战的中共中央对蒋介石国民党的军事部署就更是了如指掌。蒋介石上午在重庆开会骂了娘,毛泽东晚上在延安窑洞里就能知道。这个在蒋介石身边的共产党到底是谁?1948年4月14日,国民党《中央日报》发表了一张蒋介石在南京丁家桥国民党中央党部礼堂主持召开会议的照片。照片上蒋介石站在主席台中央,主席台后排右侧,与蒋介石仅两人之隔的一张小条桌上,一男一女两位速记员,正埋头将蒋介石的话变成一个个速记符号。靠蒋介石近些的那位年轻女速记员,就是抗战期间由中共中央南方局直接领导、被我们今天称为“按住蒋介石脉搏的人” During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Mao Zedong and the party Central Committee in the cave in Yan’an were always able to grasp and understand various attempts by the Chiang Kai-shek Kuomintang politically and militarily in a timely and accurate manner. During the War of Liberation, the CPC Central Committee fought in various parts of North China became even more aware of the military deployment of the Chiang Kai-shek Kuomintang. Chiang Kai-shek met at a meeting in Chongqing in the morning and Mao Zedong knew at night in the cave of Yan’an. On April 14, 1948, the Central Daily News of the Kuomintang published a photo of Chiang Kai-shek chairing a meeting in the auditorium of the Central Party Department of the Kuomintang in Nanjing Dingjiabu on April 14, 1948. On the photo, Chiang Kai-shek stood in the middle of the podium, on the right of the podium in the back of the podium, and on a small table separate from Chiang Kai-shek by two people, one scholar of two men and one woman who was dying to turn Chiang Kai-shek’s words into shorthand symbols . The young scholar, who was based on Chiang Kai-shek’s recent record, was directly led by the Southern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Resistance Against Japan and "
分析了含磷金红石矿的性质并对其作了试验研究,为类似矿山提供了经验。 The properties of phosphorus-containing rutile ore are analyzed and tested, which provides exp