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马×男12岁学生住院号37503因手持木棍奔跑时滑倒,木棍刺入左眼内上方眶内。1985年3月3日首次入院。家长代述木棍已被患者自己拔出。入院检查:左眼内上眶部皮肤及软组织开放性损伤,深达眼眶内上壁骨质,无脑脊液流出及鼻出血,眼球运动未见受限,视力正常。即于局部麻醉下,行清创缝合术,术后3日自缝合口有脓液流出,上睑红肿显著,折除缝线,探针在脓腔鼻侧可探及一较硬物,活动较差,拍片检查见左眼眶内上缘骨质不连续,疑似骨折,故考虑所探之物为眶骨骨折之小碎片。每日局部换药,青链霉素联合抗感染治疗,脓腔渐缩小,上睑肿胀明显减轻,患者要求出院回当地治疗。85年6月16日患者因原创伤口脓 Male × male 12-year-old student hospital number 37503 slipping due to hand-held wooden stick running, sticks piercing the upper left eye orbital. March 3, 1985 first hospitalization. Parents represent the stick has been pulled out by the patient himself. Admission examination: the left eye on the orbital part of the skin and soft tissue open injury, deep orbital wall of the upper bone, no cerebrospinal fluid effusion and epistaxis, eye movement was not restricted, normal vision. That is, under local anesthesia, debridement and suturing, 3 days after the pus from the mouth of the outflow of pus, the upper eyelid significant swelling, the removal of the suture, probe in the abscess nasal exploration and a hard object activity Poor, film examination see the left orbital margin of the upper edge of the bone is not continuous, suspected fracture, so consider the exploration of the orbital bone fractures of small pieces. Daily local dressing, penicillin combined anti-infective treatment, pus cavity tapering, significantly reduced upper eyelid swelling, the patient asked to be discharged back to the local treatment. June 16, 85 patients with original wound pus
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【原文亮相】  作为童星,林妙可的人生经历可以称得上是现代版的“伤仲永”——幼时闻名遐迩,长大却“泯然众人矣”。这不禁让我想起了一个词——玉卮无当。①  这个词典自《韩非子》,是说有一天常谿公问韩昭侯,当你口渴了,在做工精美而无底的玉杯和有底的陶杯之间,会选择哪一个来饮水?韩昭侯回答,会选择陶杯。林妙可不就是一个外表华美却无底的玉杯吗?徒有其表而空虚其中,令人唏嘘不已!②  这个词用在“童星制造”
滚动轴承的故障诊断有多种方法。本文着重叙述用低频振动法进行滚动轴承故障诊断的思维方法及实例分析。 There are many ways to troubleshoot a rolling bearing. This ar
赵××女30岁山东曹县人农民已婚住院号:4228 因左眼视力急剧下降,眼前有暗影浮动,翌日于当地医院就诊,诊断为“左眼黄斑出血”,给予药物治疗。10日后复诊,又诊断为“左眼黄
作者最近在急诊值班时遇一由眼外伤引起出血性休克病人,为引起眼科同道们注意,吸取教训,特报告如下: 患者孙×女32岁住院号2864751986年3月23日急诊住院。1986年3月23日晚9