The brief talk on the inspiration of Lingnan arts and crafts to the comprehensive painting creation

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  摘 要: comprehensive painting,as a form of artistic expression that emphasizes the language of materials,as stressed material in this unique form of painting, across different art categories、media research is more and more important.Lingnan folk art category is rich, clear cultural characteristics,in the material from the synthetic material is rich.
  關鍵词:comprehensive painting arts and crafts Canton
  Lingnan culture, as an organic part of the Chinese traditional culture on the regional cultural features, showing a lingnan folk art is the representative of the lingnan culture and the art of lingnan people, to fully demonstrate the lingnan people's spiritual and cultural characteristics.
  Lingnan culture in history has been in constant communion with the external culture and at the same time with local Marine farming culture interweave together to form a blend between the north and the south, and the characteristics of Chinese and western,and in the development process of Lingnan arts and crafts with obvious characteristics of Lingnan culture.For art, national culture contains rich nutrients can be absorbed to forever.
  Comprehensive painting as a new art form, on the theory and creation is in a stage of development, the lack of relative system, but in the modern and contemporary art trend still full of development potential.
  The extension of Lingnan arts and crafts in comprehensive painting
  1、Chaozhou woodcarving
  Chaozhou woodcarving as one of Linglan arts and crafts circulating Guangdong Chaoshan famous in Lingnan and unique local characteristics.
  Wood carving is the art of 3d, If went up from artistic technique of expression, is considering the transition between 3d and 2d.Because the plane of the differences between Plane art and Stereoscopic art, can not be directly to a combination of both,can mainly from the aspect of internal and external performance aspect to consider,inner plane mainly reflects in the deep connotation of the artistic creation,external performance, covers the features of Chaozhou woodcarving craft technique, artistic effect, subject category, and so on,technique is mainly used in the creation of stereoscopic art performance, and with the combination of plane art is a difficulty.
  From the point of the craft, "Japanning gild" of Chaozhou woodcarving craft, is one of the characteristics of it,have resplendent and magnificent visual effect,this effect is to pass on the wooden surface with bright gold lacquer and achieve,this process can be extended to the Chinese lacquer and wood the coordinated relationship between these two kinds of material, and on the creation of the composite materials need to filter combined with the actual creation needs. Chaozhou woodcarving absorbed the stone carving, painting, sculpture and other folk opera techniques and forms in regional development,but we won't see these on a complete art form other art the same, comprehensive painting to combine with Lingnan arts and crafts is also such a process.   2、Foshan woodcut New Year paintings
  Foshan area belong to the Guangzhou prefecture culture in the Lingnan culture , Foshan woodcut New Year paintings in form includes the choice of subject matter, the modelling of painting skills, temperament and thread of technique are expressed Cantonese culture temperament.
  Board pictures belong to engraving art,,in absorbing the painting language on the relatively direct.Engraving on the 2 d art language and painting more identical, for example in figure act the role ofing, colour and material and so on have very rich content can be used as a relatively direct material absorption into the creation of comprehensive painting. Foshan woodcut New Year paintings of colorful and gorgeous, rich festive and auspicious atmosphere, borrow it on painting color pictures will be filled with a strong feeling of happiness. Foshan woodcut New Year paintings and color is to use a unique local minium as background, have made New Year pictures forever do not fade, known as the "Wan-nian Hong",these color features in foshan board pictures there is a kind of universal, extremely rich regional artistic features. Foshan board pictures of the garments will increase with gold and silver paint decorative, rough and stiffness on the thread, in stark contrast to the image of the fine, the relationship between the line and plane, the shades of big and small point can be combined into the relationship between comprehensive painting creations.
  As a form of artistic expression that emphasizes the language of materials, the study of cross - Art and cross - media is becoming more and more important. Lingnan area in addition to Chaozhou woodcarving and Foshan woodcut New Year paintings , there are many representative arts and crafts such as Canton enamel, Guangdong embroidery, Chaoshan paper cutting, Shiwan ceramics and etc,each process behind contains the spirit and efforts of the past dynasties artist. Folk art as one of the important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture, accumulated the massive inside information,comprehensive painting as the "Imported " art, national culture as the nutrients will deeply rooted and more comprehensive development.
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在庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会上,习近平总书记明确指出:“坚决防止和纠正选人用人上的不正之风,把党和人民需要的好干部精心培养起来、及时发现出来、合理使用起来。” 在现实生活中,领导干部“带病提拔”并不鲜见,这是一种选人用人上的不正之风。个别领导干部“边腐边升”,一路“凯歌高奏”,顺风顺水,不是没有原因的。如果不能有效防范该种现象的产生,极其容易给党和人民的事业、声誉造成严重损失,社会影响极坏,为