中国意欲恢复关贸总协定(GATT)缔约国地位,舆论沸沸扬扬,国人热情关注。1992年下半年到1993年3、4月份,从政府部门到企业界人士以至平民百姓,复关呼声一浪高过一浪。新闻媒介也没闲着,大力宣传复关的紧迫性,为复关工作推波助澜。有关专家甚至预言:中国复关时间表基本议定,早则在1993年6月,迟则在1993年12月。如今看来,这一预测已经落空。国人不禁要问,中国复关梦何日能圆? 蓦然回首:复关之路何其艰! 1948年5月,中国正式成为关贸总协定(GATT)缔约国。新中国成立后,台湾当局于1950年3月擅自非法“宣布退出”总协定。 1986年7月中国照会关贸总协定总干事邓克尔,正式要求恢复中国在关贸总协定的缔约国地位。
China intends to restore the status of the GATT as a signatory, and public opinion has been heated. From the second half of 1992 to March and April 1993, from the government departments to the people of the business community and even the common people, the wave of resumption of conquest was higher than a wave. The media has not been idle yet. It has vigorously promoted the urgency of the re-entry and contributed to the re-entry. The experts even predicted that the timetable for the re-entry of China will be basically agreed, as early as June 1993 and later as December 1993. It now appears that this prediction has failed. The people of the country cannot help but ask: What is the dream of China’s re-entrant dreams? Looking back, how difficult is the road to recovery? In May 1948, China officially became a party to the GATT. After the founding of New China, the Taiwan authorities illegally “announced withdrawal” of the General Agreement in March 1950. In July 1986, Deng Keer, Director-General of the Chinese Agreement on GATT, formally demanded the restoration of China’s status as a party to the GATT.