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用7~38周人胎35例,取睾丸固定于 Carnoy 液,石蜡包埋,以 HE、PAS 反应及甲绿哌喏宁法染色。7周初的性腺尚未分化,可见散在的原始生殖细胞。13周睾丸特征已明显,白膜厚,睾丸素清楚,索间有密集的嗜酸性间质细胞。14.5周部分睾丸索出现小腔,而成管状。睾丸索包含大而着色淡的原始生殖细胞及色深的原始支持细胞。胎早期原始生殖细胞含有丰富的糖原颗粒。睾丸门、白膜及表面上皮内均见散在或成群的生殖细胞。睾丸间质细胞分幼稚型、成熟型及退化型。13~15周以幼稚型为主;16~18周以成熟型为主,成熟型的胞质内含有 RNA 颗粒;20周后退化型增多,成熟型减少。38周时,睾丸间质细胞单个或成行存在,数量大为减少。 35 cases of human fetuses aged 7 ~ 38 weeks were fixed in Carnoy’s solution and embedded in paraffin. The cells were stained with HE, PAS and metformin. The gonads at the beginning of the 7th week have not yet been differentiated, showing scattered primitive germ cells. 13 weeks of testicular characteristics have been obvious, white film thick, clear testosterone, eosinophilic stromal cells between dense. 14.5 weeks part of the testis appeared small cavity, and into a tube. Testicular cord contains large, pale, pale primordial germ cells and deep, primitive supportive cells. Primitive primordial germ cells are rich in glycogen granules. Testicular door, white albuginea and surface epithelium are scattered or in groups of germ cells. Leydig cells were divided into immature, mature and degenerative type. 13 to 15 weeks were mainly naïve; 16 to 18 weeks were mainly mature, while mature cytoplasm contained RNA particles; after 20 weeks, the degenerative type increased and the mature type decreased. At week 38, testicular stromal cells were found in single or in rows, with a significant decrease in number.
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