
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sgqeye
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“两旱一水”耕作制是一种高产稳产的优良耕作制度,是“八五”期间江苏沿江农区的推广项目.耕作制度的改变势必引起病虫的演变.为探讨“两旱一水”耕作制度下病虫发生危害特点,制定综防配套技术,我们在调查研究的基础上,总结了该耕作制下病虫发生演变规律.一、我市病虫发生演变过程回顾我市30多年病虫发生演变过程,大体上可分为四个时期.第一时期(1965年前):耕作制度与作物布局的特点是,以旱粮、杂谷为主体,水稻面积仅占秋粮的16.2%,玉米占43%,以迟熟夏玉米为主.棉花面积30万亩,以直播纯作麦套棉为主.粮棉病虫种类不多,水稻以三化螟、稻苞虫为主,棉田主要是红铃虫、棉蚜及部分地区的象鼻虫.第二时期(1966~1978年):耕作制度及作物布局的特点是:(1)旱改水,且早中晚稻并存,水稻面积占秋粮面积的27.06~71.85%;(2)玉米夏改春,品种以晚熟大金黄为主:(3)绿肥扩大到28~35万亩, The “two aridities and one water” tillage system is an excellent tillage system with high and stable yield, which is the promotion project of the agricultural areas along the Yangtze River in the Eighth Five-Year Plan period in our country .To change the tillage system is bound to lead to the evolution of pests and diseases. "Farming system pests and diseases under the characteristics of harm, the development of comprehensive prevention and matching technology, we based on the investigation and study, summarizes the evolution of pests and diseases under the tillage system.A, the city’s pest occurrence and evolution review of the city more than 30 years In the first period (before 1965): The characteristics of tillage system and crop layout are characterized by dry grain and miscellaneous grain, and the area of ​​rice accounts for only 16.2% of autumn grain, , Accounting for 43% of maize, late maturing summer maize mainly cotton area of ​​300000 acres, mainly to direct broadcast pure wheat over cotton cotton varieties are not large, rice borer, rice shellworms, Cotton fields are mainly pink bollworm, cotton aphid and some areas of the weevil in the second period (1966-1978): farming system and crop layout are characterized by: (1) drought to water, and early and late rice coexist, rice The area accounts for 27.06 ~ 71.85% of the area of ​​autumn grain; (2) 3) green manure expanded to 28 ~ 350,000 mu,
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