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1991年4月~1992年5月我科采用胚胎胸腺悬液穴位注射治疗小儿顽固性哮喘15例,介绍于下。临床资料:本组病例均为哮喘经常发作,体质虚弱,经多种治疗(如卡介苗接种,三伏天艾灸等)无效者,男性10例,女性5例。年龄3~10岁。术前排除肺结核病,13例检测IgE升高。胚胎胸腺来源及制备法:4~7月水囊引产胎儿(产妇HBsAg阴性)。在无菌下立即取出胸腺并研磨制成悬液,细胞数(4.0~9.7)×10~7/ml。注射方法:取膻中为主穴,配以大椎穴或俞穴,每次每穴注射胸腺悬液2~3ml,每隔2~3周1次。共注射24人次,平均每人1.6次。结果:显效5例(症状消失已3~4月,血中IgE恢复正常),有效10例(发作次数减少,症状减轻)。全组随访期间无不良反应。讨论:胎儿胸腺悬液含丰富的淋巴细胞和胸腺素,经过穴位注射可刺激调整哮喘患儿的免疫机制。本组患 From April 1991 to May 1992, 15 cases of intractable asthma in children were treated with acupoint injection of embryonic thymus in our department. Clinical data: This group of patients are asthma often attack, physical weakness, after a variety of treatments (such as BCG vaccination, three days of moxibustion moxibustion, etc.) were ineffective, 10 males and 5 females. Age 3 to 10 years old. Pulmonary tuberculosis was excluded before surgery, and IgE was detected in 13 cases. Source and preparation of embryonic thymus: 4 ~ July fetus induced by water sac (maternal HBsAg negative). The thymus was removed immediately under aseptic condition and ground to make a suspension. The number of cells (4.0-9.7) × 10-7 / ml. Injection method: Take 膻 in the main points, together with the Dazhui or shu points, each injection of thymus per hole 2 ~ 3ml, every 2 to 3 weeks. A total of 24 people were injected, with an average of 1.6 times each. Results: 5 cases were markedly effective (3 to 4 months after the symptoms disappeared, and IgE in the blood returned to normal), and 10 cases were effective (the number of seizures decreased and symptoms were relieved). No adverse reactions during the whole group follow-up. Discussion: Fetal thymus suspension is rich in lymphocytes and thymosin, after acupuncture can stimulate the regulation of immune mechanisms in children with asthma. The group of patients
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临床常遇顽固而剧烈咳嗽患者,常规治疗往往感疗效不佳,治疗较为困难。本人自1990年3月至1991年4月试用颅通定治疗,收到满意效果,现报道如下。 病例选择 33例均为门诊病人,且
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