南方早稻纹枯病发生面积3167.4万亩 进入病虫害防控关键期

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6月中下旬,南方早稻已陆续进入破口抽穗期,也是病虫害发生防控的关键时期。当前,稻飞虱发生程度轻于上年,发生区域集中在华南、江南稻区,局部地区灰飞虱虫量偏高;稻纵卷叶螟总体偏轻发生,华南局部发生较重;二化螟经防治后,虫口密度下降。水稻纹枯病、稻瘟病等病害发生程度接近常年。近期南方稻区出现了明显降雨过程,有利于水稻病虫害的发生流行,各地植保部门需加强监测,根据病虫害发生情况 In late-June, early rice in southern China has gradually entered the breaking heading stage, which is also a crucial period for the prevention and control of pests and diseases. At present, the incidence of planthoppers is lighter than that of the previous year, and the occurrence of planthoppers is concentrated in southern China and southern Jiangsu rice areas. The population of planthoppers in some areas is relatively high. The rice leaf roller is generally mild and the occurrence is severe in southern China. Borer control, insect population density decreased. Rice sheath blight, rice blast disease incidence close to perennial. Recent obvious rainfall in the southern rice area is conducive to the occurrence of pests and diseases of rice epidemic, the local plant protection departments need to strengthen monitoring, according to the occurrence of pests and diseases
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