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我国改革开放以来,随着社会和经济飞速发展的步伐,许多职业学校都开设了文秘专业文书档案课程,学习过这门课程的学生也是数不胜数。但是,在实际工作中,秘书不会处理文书,不明白如何管理好档案的事却屡见不鲜。文秘专业培养的人才不能适应社会需求的现象比较突出,这主要是教学上受到传统教育观念和封闭式办学模式的影响。传统教育在文书档案教学方面的弊病主要体现在:一、以应试教育为中心;二、一味注重单纯传授知识;三、教学观念思路狭窄;四、教学中过多强调教师的作用。本文就中等职业教育在文秘专业文书档案课教学的改革和针对学生特点尝试新的教学模式方面提出自己的 Since the reform and opening up in our country, with the rapid social and economic development, many vocational schools have set up secretarial professional clerical archives courses. There are also a large number of students who have studied this course. However, in practical work, it is not uncommon for the secretary not to handle the documents and to understand how to manage the files. Secretarial professionals trained personnel can not meet the needs of the community more prominent phenomenon, which is mainly teaching by the concept of traditional education and the impact of closed-door mode of operation. The shortcomings of traditional education in the teaching of file archives are mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, taking examination-oriented education as the center; Second, paying attention to simply imparting knowledge; Third, teaching ideas and ideas are narrow; Fourth, teaching too much emphasis on the role of teachers. In this paper, secondary vocational education in clerical professional file archives teaching reform and try to find a new teaching model for students according to their own characteristics
知识经济时代的到来给档案部门提供了良好的机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战。为了适应知识经济时代的需求,档案部门服务工作要做到以下几点: 一、发展为用户设计和服务的方法技术
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