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面对日益迫近的开放进程,时间对于中国的书报刊市场来说,已是一个再稀缺不过的资源了。为了应对这一趋势,全国性跨地域的发行集团——中国发行集团正在积极组建,并将于近期挂牌亮相。这是继去年9月中国出版集团正式成立后,我国出版发行业又一重大举措。即将挂牌的中国发行集团由新华书店总店、中国出版集团外贸总公司、中国图书进出口公司以及国家邮政总局四家共同投资,将采取股份制形式,总资产预计将达30亿元左右。靠“垄断”生存的出版业目前中国图书出版业的现状是:教材和教学辅导材料类书籍的出版总数占全国图书的出版份额的80%。教材和教学辅导材料类书籍2000年的销售金额高达273亿元,为全国除此之外的其他图书销售总金额的350%,教材和教学辅导材料类书籍销售利润,为全行业平均利润的520%。中国庞大的图书出版业是靠教材的专营和 In the face of an increasingly imminent process of opening up, time is a scarce resource for the Chinese newspaper market. In response to this trend, the nationwide distribution group, China Distribution Group, is being actively formed and will be unveiled in the near future. This is yet another major move by our publishing and publishing industry, following the official establishment of China Publishing Group in September last year. The forthcoming China Issuers Group, jointly invested by Xinhua Bookstore Head Office, China Publishing Group Foreign Trade Corporation, China Book Import and Export Corporation and the State Post Administration, will take the form of a shareholding system with total assets estimated to reach 3 billion yuan. Publishing Industry Surviving by “Monopoly” At present, the current status of Chinese book publishing industry is that the total number of publications of teaching materials and instructional instructional materials accounts for 80% of the total number of books published in the country. Teaching materials and teaching materials in 2000 sales of books as much as 27.3 billion yuan, for the rest of the country other than the total sales of 350% of books, teaching materials and teaching materials, book sales profits for the industry-wide average profit of 520 %. China’s huge book publishing industry is dominated by textbooks
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中国政法大学教授。本文根据其在“2 01 3’智库筑基‘中国梦’:中国智库国际学术研讨会”上的发言整理而成。  中国改革和中国智库之间的关系是非常密切的,中国智库在支撑着中国的改革,反过来中国智库也在支撑着中国的发展。现在我们对智库的定义比较乱,因为智库准确的含义我想是很难下的。现存大学研究中心,仅政法大学就有150多家,如果我们仅仅从“智”和“库”的概念来说,可能每个研究中心都是智库,若要放大到
一、把握好“代表先进生产力的发展要求”的内涵,为调动广大人民群众全面建设小康社会的积极性,提供正确的舆论导向。 党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,广大基
“创新探索”刊登的两篇文章,分别介绍了青岛广播电视局建设区域性强势媒体的战略性新思考和山东电视齐鲁频道近年来广告经营的新突破。 “Innovation and Exploration ”
据扬子晚报报道,江苏广播电视总台新闻综合频道实现了24小时新闻滚动播出。除原有的《江苏新时空》、《星网传播》、《公共新闻网》、《英语新闻》、 According to the Yan
通过野外模拟试验,选择中亚热带针叶林(杉木林)和阔叶林(浙江桂林和罗浮栲林)森林生态系统,设3个施氮水平CK(对照)、低氮〔30 kg(hm2·a)〕和高氮〔100 kg(hm2·a)〕及2