
来源 :空军政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bittermonkey
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最近我们就师团党委常委在民主生活会方面遇到的新情况、新问题进行了调查.发现,有近40%的党委常委民主生活会质量一般,其中20%左右的质量不高.一是认识片面,感到没有必要开.二是好人主义,不认真开.三是怕暴露问题,绕过问题开.四是缺乏经验,不善于开.有的党委面对部队遇到的新情况.新特点,特别是思想认识上的问题,束手无策,缺少办法.有的开会临时抱佛脚,会前准备不细,会中主题不明,会后措施不力,搞走过场.还有的民主生活会没有特色,只是泛泛谈工作,混同于行政会,把民主生活会开成了“评功摆好会”、研究工作会和“集体述职会”.要进一步解决师团党委常委民主生活会质量不高的问题,我认为应着重把握好以下几个方面:一、必须澄清思想上的模糊认识,进一步 Recently, we conducted a survey on new situations and new problems encountered by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Party League in its democratic life meeting and found that nearly 40% of the members of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee have ordinary democratic life, of which about 20% are not of high quality. One-sided understanding, there is no need to open. Second, good people, not serious open. Third, fear of exposure problems, bypassing the problem open. Fourth, lack of experience, not good at open. Features, especially the ideological understanding of the problem, do nothing, lack of approach.According to some of the meeting temporary embrace, pre-meeting preparation is not fine, the theme is unclear, after the meeting ineffective, engage in on-site.Other democracies will have no characteristic, but Generally speaking about work, mixed with the Executive Council, the democratic life will be turned into a “review”, research work and “collective job description.” To further solve the division of the Standing Committee of the division of democratic life is not high quality, I think Should focus on the following aspects: First, we must clarify the ideological ambiguity, further
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