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在企业内部实行经济责任制,是提高经济效果的有力措施,是通过经济杠杆调动广大职工生产积极性的有效办法,也为实施民主管理创造了条件,使权、责、利更好地结合起来。一、几种形式目前许多工业企业已试行了主要对车间、班组的经济责任制,集中表现在分配形式上的改变。据天水市的初步调查,工业企业内部经济责任制有以下几种形式: ①计件工资。采用这种形式的企业,一般是能够按产品或按生产工序对班组或个人实行计件的。分个人计件和集体计件两种,其基本内容是把工人的劳动成果和个人报酬完全结合起来,多劳多得,把经济责任落实到班组或个人。如地毯厂以二级工为标准,规定了织毯每平方英尺的计件工资,并考虑到工人的工资级 Implementing the economic responsibility system within enterprises is a powerful measure to improve economic performance, an effective way to mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of workers through economic levers, and create conditions for the implementation of democratic management so that the powers, responsibilities and interests are better integrated. First, several forms At present, many industrial enterprises have piloted the main responsibility of the workshop, team economic responsibility system, focused on the formal changes in the distribution. According to a preliminary survey in Tianshui City, the internal economic responsibility system of industrial enterprises has the following forms: ① Piece-rate wages. In this form of enterprise, the general is able to product or by the production process of the team or individuals to implement the piece. There are two types of personal piece counting and collective piece counting: the basic content is to completely combine the worker’s work results with personal rewards, work harder, and implement the economic responsibility to the team or individual. Such as the carpet factory to secondary workers as the standard, provides for carpet tile per piece of piece-rate wages, and taking into account the wages of workers
为了探讨钙库活化的钙通道(store-operated calcium channels,SOC)和受体活化的钙通道(receptor-operated calcium channels,ROC)在人脐静脉内皮细胞(human umbilical vein e
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近几年,随着全球气候变暖,每到夏季来临,强烈的太阳光几乎将大地变成了一个大蒸锅。使人们感到酷热难熬,尤其是室外工作者感触更深。这时,也是鼻出血的多发季节。 In recent
视力不好的人,经常会眯起眼睛看别人,鼻梁上也常带有眼镜的压痕……长此以往,在他人心目中的形象也会一落千丈。现在,就开始为挽回视力努力吧! People with poor eyesight o