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家用录像机伺服系统的主要工作是:在记录时,控制磁鼓与主导轴的速度与相位,将信号正确地记录在磁带上;在重放时,控制磁头与磁带的相对位置,使磁头正确地扫描在相应的磁迹上,取得跟踪,从磁带上取下信噪比良好的信号,得到满意的图像。因此,一般需要对磁鼓电机、主导轴电机以及供卷带电机进行伺服控制。在新型的家用录像机中,大多采用数字式伺服,以得到较高的控制精度,并使电路中的可调元件大为减少,可靠性得以提高,生产与维修都比较方便。松下 The main work of the DVR servo system is: During recording, the speed and phase of the drum and the capstan are controlled to correctly record the signal on the magnetic tape; in the playback, the relative position of the magnetic head and the magnetic tape is controlled so that the magnetic head correctly Scanning is performed on the corresponding track, tracking is performed, and a signal of good signal-to-noise ratio is removed from the tape to obtain a satisfactory image. Therefore, it is generally necessary to servo-control the drum motor, the capstan motor, and the tape motor. In the new type of household video recorders, most of the digital servo, in order to get a higher control accuracy, and make the circuit components can be greatly reduced, the reliability can be improved, production and maintenance are more convenient. Matsushita
Agricultural monitoring is essential for adequate management of food production and distribution. Crop land and crop type classification, using remote sensing t
本文利用某地共99个GPS水准点的大地高和正常高求取高程异常,使用DOG球面小波模型和多面函数,分别对高程异常进行拟合。拟合时剔除模型残差大于2倍中误差的点,并在剔除粗差后重新进行拟合。通过比较外部检核点的已知高程异常值和球面小波模型值、多面函数拟合值之间的均方差评价模型的精度。数据结果表明,以外部检核均方差最小为准则,球面小波模型拟合精度较优,其拟合精度为1.65 cm,多面函数拟合精度为2.3