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中国·武汉国际少年足球赛9月11日在武汉市塔子湖足球训练基地顺利闭幕,日本2支球队包揽冠亚军,中国国少队获得第5名。本次赛事为期10天,由中国足协、日本足协和武汉市体育局主办,武汉市足协承办。共有来自国内外的8支球队参赛,是亚洲足球U14年龄段最高水平的赛事。这次前来参赛的2支日本U14球队是从2700名球员中挑选出来的,中国国少队则是从全国90多名球员中选拔出来的。 China · Wuhan International Junior Soccer Game On September 11, the Taroko Lake football training base in Wuhan successfully concluded. Japan’s two teams won the championship, while the Chinese junior team won the fifth place. The tournament for a period of 10 days, sponsored by the Chinese Football Association, Japan Football Association and Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Sports, Wuhan Football Association contractors. A total of eight teams from home and abroad participating, is Asia’s U14 senior age group the highest level of competition. The two Japanese U14 teams that came this time were selected from 2,700 players while the Chinese national team was selected from more than 90 national players.
Recent discovery of low-dimensional coherent structure in oceanic currents along with a new merged altimeter product called Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) ma
The observed meridional overturning circulation (MOC) and meridional heat transport (MHT) estimated from the Rapid Climate Change/Meridional Circulation and Hea
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The Hutuo River alluvial-proluvial fan is located in North China Plain, and groundwater is the main source of water supply for agriculture and domestic water. S
7月11日,“高校博士团走向海洋”考察活动在京启动,来自北京大学、清华大学、南京大学、武汉大学的100名在读博士生奔赴国家海洋局局属单位开展为期一周的参观考察。 On Jul