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  【Abstract】Anne Bradstreet is one of the first poets to write English verse in the American colonies. Born to an influential Puritan family, Anne grew up in cultured circumstances. She, along with her family, left England and immigrated to the new colony in 1630.To some extent, her poems reflect her challenge and criticism on some Puritan traditions, especially ideas on proper family life and the role of women.
  【Key words】Anne Bradstreet; family love; challenge; Puritan theology
  I. Anne Bradstreet’s Family Background and Her Faith to Puritanism
  Anne Bradstreet grew up in a wealthy Puritan family in Northampton, England, in 1612. Her father served as a steward of the Earl of Lincoln, and Dorothy Yorke. Anne thus could freely read books in the Earl’s personal library and attain formal education. Anne’s family moved to America in 1630.
  Anne tried to act out her beliefs in Puritanism all her life. “I have had great experience of God’s hearing my prayers, and returning comfortable answers to me, either in granting the thing I prayed for, or else in satisfying my mind without it.” She wrote in To My Dear Children. Also, she once blamed God for he was so cruel to take away her relatives.
  Anne Bradstreet’s Family Life and Strong Love to Her Family
  Marriage was in the first place for Puritan women and they should take care of the whole family for their everyday needs. Anne lived a harmonious and enjoyable family life and perfectly performed domestic duties as well.
  In her poems Anne was extremely painful for missing her husband and longing for his return. She primarily emphasized family love in poems as A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment. “Where ever, ever stay, and go not thence, till nature’s sad decree shall call thee hence.” Nothing but death can separate Anne from her husband.
  In fact, Puritanism hardly ever appreciated strong family love, which was believed to decrease their religious faith. “I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold or all the riches that the East doth hold.” To Anne, her husband’s love was the best treasures on Earth. Puritan theology could not cover up her outstanding talent on poetry, and not restrain her sincere love to her husband and children.
  II. Challenge to Puritan Beliefs on Family Life and the Proper Role of Women
  Women were under strict control at that time in Puritan society to cook and clean for the family, well rearing children and attending to everyday need of their husband. Anne suffered from dual pressure from religious beliefs that oppressed humanity and the proper role of women that Puritan society set for her. The centre of Puritanism is God, which at essence represents male hierarchy mutes in the patriarchal society at that time.   Anne cherished her family life and deeply loved her husband and children. But it did not mean that Anne agreed with the idea that men were superior. In fact, Anne promoted gender equality. She was against the stereotype idea that women were inferior to men. In To My Dear and Loving Husband, Anne clearly expressed her undying emotion to her husband. “Thy love is such I can no way repay, The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.” Her overt affections for her husband fully manifested her challenge and retort to traditional Puritan doctrines.
  John Winthrop once remarked of Anne in a common suspicion of women. “If she had dedicated herself to household chores, and not step into an area that known to all is proper to men. She might have well kept her wit and intelligence.”Faced with contempt, Anne wrote such lines in The Prologue that obviously presented her ironic response to the hostile voices. “I am obnoxious to each carping tongue who says my hand a needle better fits.” The accomplishments of women were trivialized in the poem which was really representative microcosm of the way that the problem was evident in the Puritan community. Her poems as The Flesh and The Spirit materialized to expose the real human nature of such depth that challenged not only Puritan theology, but also the alleged Utopian doctrine of the poems.
  III. Conclusion
  Devout Puritan she was, Anne Bradstreet was at first a woman, wife and mother. She dedicated herself to reconcile contradictions between her enjoyable family life and career, and strict Puritan doctrines. In her poems, Anne Bradstreet not only aired the truths of male domination in the patriarchal society, but also daringly challenged the Puritan theology that wildly ruled the proper family life and the role of women.
  [1]Langlin,Rosemary.Anne Bradstreet:Poet in search of a Form[M].American Literature,1970,42(1).
【摘要】英语学习的目的是培养学生运用语言的意识,发展其运用语言进行交际的能力。英语课堂教学是提升学生综合运用语言能力的教学方式之一。本文结合具体的课堂教学实例,探讨了如何巧用课堂资源,让英语场景在教学过程中发展学生的语言意识和语言运用能力。  【关键词】课堂资源;英语场景;语言运用能力  【作者简介】张瑜,常熟市东南实验小学。  一、引言  语言学习需要良好的载体,新教材中的板块更好的呈现了有情有
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【摘要】作为我校(西南科技大学城市学院)“教学质量与教学改革工程”立项项目,大学英语精品课程不仅是一年级非英语专业学生的公共必修课,更是学生大学期间英语能力培养与提升的第一基地。大学英语课程经历校内数年发展沿革,逐渐形成适应我校学生情况的课程体系,并能随着外界发展及时革新,以求更好地帮助学生学好英语。  【关键词】大学英语;精品课程;课程体系;应用能力  【作者简介】马越涧(1987.11-),女
【摘要】运用科技与信息的基本能力是21世纪学生必须掌握的十大核心技能之一。处于现代社会中的人,更要具有适应现代化社会的信息化、智能化、个性化和创新性的学习和发展能力,这些能力都应在教学中得到培养。教育的意义在于满足人的发展需要,为人的成长指引方向,所以教师应尽力使教学最大程度地满足学生的全面发展需要。本文以英语教学实践为例进行阐述如何在教学中培养学生运用科技与信息的基本能力。  【关键词】培养;科
【摘要】随着时代的不断发展,核心素养的这一核心理念被作为顶层设计被提出,英语教育工作者应该思考如何在日常的教学过程中践行这一理念。而高阶思维能力是核心素养中非常重要一环,本文就如何提升高阶思维能力提出自己的解决方案——思维导图法。  【关键词】核心素养;思维导图;高阶思维  【作者简介】李冰,东莞常平实验小学。  一、搭建单词网络,提高词汇储备量  教学过程中,记忆单词对学生来说是一个艰巨的任务。
【摘要】良好的英语阅读兴趣对小学生英语学习具有极为重要的作用。小学英语教师想要使小学生在英语课程学习中获得优异的成绩,就必须在全面了解学生的基础上因材施教,借助情境的创设激发小学生阅读意愿,并利用科学评价培养学生的阅读信心。  【关键词】三年级小学生;小学英语;阅读兴趣;英语阅读能力  【作者简介】唐颖程,江苏省南通市通州区平潮小学。  三年级是小学生语言模仿能力迅速发展的时期。该阶段的语言学习对
The song lyric of Roar represent the similar idea of The Awakening and Their eyes are watching god It’s about realization of oneself, standing up for oneself , the strong power of a person’s soul. The