目的通过分析浙江省2011年疾控机构艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)分人群数据分析,了解目前疾控机构开展VCT的情况,加强VCT遏制艾滋病传播的能力。方法通过下载艾滋病综合防治数据信息管理系统2011年浙江省艾滋病自愿咨询检测数据库,经过筛选疾控机构数据后,对数据进行主动求询和被动求询者的分层对比,数据通过SPSS 17.0统计学软件进行χ2分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果针对主动求询者和被动求询者的对比分析后发现,主动求询者的筛查阳性率(1.59%)大于被动求询者(0.54%),男性主动求询意识(56.32%)明显大于女性(43.68%),文化程度高的主动求询意识明显高于文化程度低的求询者,被动求询人群中,初中及以下文化程度者占72.17%;50岁以上求询者初筛阳性率(2.26%)明显大于50岁以下人群(其中0~30岁、31~50岁阳性率分别为0.87%和1.43%),且50岁以上主动求询者数量(1 062例)和筛查阳性者(36例)明显大于被动求询者(794例和6例)。结论继续加强干预和宣传力度,要加强女性求询者的主动求询意识,加强低文化水平人群、吸毒人群尤其是吸食新型毒品者的艾滋病宣传教育,加强50岁以上人群的高危行为干预,控制艾滋病在中老年人群的传播,加强全省VCT服务网络的建设。
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the population VCT data of CDC in Zhejiang Province in 2011 to understand the current situation of CDC in VCT and to strengthen VCT’s ability to contain the spread of AIDS. Methods After downloading the database of HIV / AIDS voluntary counseling and testing in Zhejiang Province in 2011, CDC data were collected and compared. The data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 statistics Software χ2 analysis, P <0.05 for the difference was statistically significant. Results According to the comparative analysis of active inquirers and passive inquirers, the positive rate of active inquirers (1.59%) was higher than that of passive inquirers (0.54%), and the positive awareness of male inquiries (56.32%) was significantly More than female (43.68%). The awareness of initiative with high level of education was significantly higher than that of those with low level of education. 72.17% of those with passive attendance at junior high school or below, The positive rate (2.26%) was significantly higher than that of patients under 50 years old (0 to 30 years old, the positive rates of 31 to 50 years old were 0.87% and 1.43%, respectively), and the number of active consultants over 50 years old (1 062 cases) Check positive (36 cases) was significantly higher than passive interrogation (794 cases and 6 cases). Conclusions Continue to strengthen the intervention and propaganda efforts, we must strengthen female consultants to seek the initiative to seek awareness, to strengthen low-literacy, drug users, especially those who take new drugs to AIDS awareness and education, to strengthen high-risk behavior intervention in people over the age of 50, control AIDS in the middle-aged and elderly population, strengthen the province’s VCT service network.