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一二百年来,香妃这个传奇人物流传着两种版本,其一是根据大量史实以及陵墓出土遗骸,翔实地考证了香妃(宫中敕封“容妃”)的生平,作为维吾尔族女子,深居清宫28年,生活习俗备受尊重,墓中残留下“奉安拉之名”的《古兰经》文碎片,表明她的穆斯林身份。最可贵的是她所属“和卓氏”家族反对民族分裂,维护祖国统一,作出有力贡献,成为促进民族团结和睦的标帜。另一版本则是哗众取宠,故作惊世之笔,大肆渲染,将香妃塑造为节烈奇女,美艳绝代,体有异香,冰雪节操,国破家亡,不愿忍辱偷生,必欲刺杀乾隆皇帝雪恨,以死报故夫于地下。彻头彻尾地改造了香妃的本来面目,虚构伪托后来者居上,引起海内外轰动,几成定案。直至20世纪末,考古工作者对她被盗陵墓发掘整理,迷雾消散,尘埃落定,解释了历史的真相。 One or two hundred years, the legendary character Fei Fei circulating two versions, one is based on a large number of historical facts and the remains of the unearthed tombs, a detailed study of the Xiang Fei (Palace Gong Feng “Rong Fei”) life, as the Uyghur The woman, who has been living in the palace for 28 years, is well respected for her customs. The remains of the Qur’an in the name of the Al-Aqsa remain in the tomb, indicating her Muslim status. The most valuable thing is that her “” and “Zhuo” clans oppose national division and safeguard the reunification of the motherland and make a significant contribution to becoming the banner of promoting national unity and harmony. The other version is sensational, pretending to be the world’s best pen, wantonly rendezvous, Xiang Fei will be shaped as a fiery woman, beautiful alternative, the body with different fragrance, ice and snow festival, the country broken home, do not want to bite the bullet, will kill Qianlong emperor snow hate death to decease husband underground. Completely reinstated the true face of Hong Fei, fictional pseudo-caretaker later, causing a sensation at home and abroad, a few finalized. Until the late 20th century, archaeologists unearthed her stolen mausoleum, the fog dissipated and the dust settles, explaining the truth of history.
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从社会学的视角看 ,成人课堂教学时空的构成会受到社会因素的影响与制约 ,体现出一定的社会特性。本文对这一特征及其改革进行了初步探讨 From a sociological point of vie
目前在水泥系深层搅拌桩施工中 ,一般采用熟石膏 ,掺量为2 %(占水泥重) ,但试验证明 ,在水泥土中掺加生石膏后 ,水泥土的早期、中期和后期强度均可提高 ,尤其可大幅度地提高