Variations in carbon isotopic composition in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Yang

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HYB1976
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The components and evolution of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton is a current topic in the geological study of China and the carbon isotopic composition of diamond is one of the most direct probes into cratonic lithospheric mantle processes.In this paper,in-situ SIMS(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) techniques were used to analyze the carbon isotope compositions at different internal growth zones of diamonds from Shandong and Liaoning in the North China Craton and Hunan in the Yangtze Craton.It was found that the carbon isotopic range of diamonds from the North China Craton are rather distinct from those of the Yangtze Craton;the former has a range of 6.0‰ to 2.0‰(relative to VPDB) with an average value of 3.0‰ in their core areas,which is consistent with global peridotitic diamonds;the diamonds from the Yangtze Craton,however,have a carbon isotopic range from 8.6‰ to 3.0‰ with an average value of 7.4‰ in their core areas,being more consistent with global eclogitic diamonds.The variations of carbon isotope ratios between different internal growth zones in individual diamonds were different in the three diamond localities studied.There was a clear correlation between changes in carbon isotopic composition and phases of diamond dissolution and new growth,while no correlation was observed between δ13C and internal inclusions.The variations suggest that the carbon isotopic compositions of mantle fluids were changing during the process of diamond crystallization,and that the heterogeneity of the carbon isotopic composition in mantle carbon reservoirs was a more important factor than carbon isotope fractionation in controlling the carbon isotopic compositions and their variation in diamonds.In addition,the preliminary results of in-situ nitrogen analyses demonstrated that the variation of carbon isotopic compositions between the core and outer growth zones does not correlate with nitrogen abundances,implying either that diamonds crystallized in an open environment or that the carbon isotopic composition and nitrogen contents in mantle fluids were controlled by other,not yet understood factors.The experimental results provide hints that the isotopic composition of carbon and its original sources were different in metasomatic fluids controlling diamond formation in the mantle beneath the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton. The components and evolution of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton is a current topic in the geological study of China and the carbon isotopic composition of diamond is one of the most direct probes into cratonic lithospheric mantle processes. In this paper , in-situ SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) techniques were used to analyze the carbon isotope compositions at different internal growth zones of diamonds from Shandong and Liaoning in the North China Craton and Hunan in the Yangtze Craton. It was found that the carbon isotopic range of diamonds from the North China Craton are rather distinct from those of the Yangtze Craton; the former has a range of 6.0 ‰ to 2.0 ‰ (relative to VPDB) with an average value of 3.0 ‰ in their core areas, which is consistent with global peridotitic diamonds; the diamonds from the Yangtze Craton, however, have a carbon isotopic range from 8.6 ‰ to 3.0 ‰ with an average value of 7.4 ‰ in their core ar eas, being more consistent with global eclogitic diamonds.The variations of carbon isotope ratios between different internal growth zones in individual diamonds were in the three diamond localities studied. Here was a clear correlation between changes in carbon isotopic composition and phases of diamond dissolution and new growth, while no correlation was observed between δ13C and internal inclusions. The variations suggest that the carbon isotopic compositions of mantle fluids were changing during the process of diamond crystallization, and that the heterogeneity of the carbon isotopic composition in mantle carbon reservoirs was a more important factor than carbon isotope fractionation in controlling the carbon isotopic compositions and their variation in diamonds. In addition, the preliminary results of in carbon nanotube are not correlate with nitrogen abundances, impl ying either that diamonds crystallized in an open environment or that the carbon isotopic composition and nitrogen contents in mantle fluids were controlled by other, not yet understood factors. the experimental results provide hints that the isotopic composition of carbon and its original sources were different in metasomatic fluid controlling diamond formation in the mantle beneath the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton.
作者:尹建莉  媽妈是朋友,妈妈是老师,妈妈是孩子的引路人,妈妈教育方法的差别,常常影响孩子的一生。作者既是好妈妈又是好老师,写本书意在沟通学校教育和家庭教育,因有感于家庭教育的被忽视与不得法,而取名为“好妈妈胜过好老师”。这是一本有勇气、有思想、有智慧的书,是难得的家教读本,既直面教育问题,又深入地思考;有独到的教育观念,更有教育智慧,最重要的还有无所不在的爱心。
【摘要】针对普通对口高职生源学生学习动机的现状,本文提出了一系列的教学应对策略,用以激发同学的学习动机,提高其学习的满意度。本文首先介绍了普通对口高职生源的学习动机状况,并分析其学习动机与高等学校英语应用能力考试(PRETCO-B)成绩的相关性。最后,给出相应的教学应对策略,并对教学策略的实施效果加以简要介绍。  【关键词】学习动机 教学策略 对口生源  一、引言  所谓对口生,是指普通高校按照科
初中化学是学生学习化学的初始阶段;初中化学不同于其他学科,它是文理兼容的一门学科;初中化学更注重学生能力的考验。 Junior high school chemistry is the initial stage