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策划人语“国有企业是壮大国家综合实力、保障人民共同利益的重要力量,必须理直气壮做强做优做大。”这是习近平总书记对我们的期许和要求。而“两精两优、国际一流”的提出,正是网公司从细处、深处、实处落实中央要求,实现宏伟目标的具体手段与实现途径。站在新一轮改革发展新起点上,云南电网公司召开半年工作会,全面践行南网总纲,瞄准“两精两优、国际一流”战略目标,积极承接“185611”发展目标,明确将着力点、落点放在“完成三大任务,推进三大工程,把握六大关键”的战略举措上,承接好南方电网战略目标。前进的号角己吹响。、公司“十三五”改革发展的战略方向、主攻目标、落实措施更加清晰,更有利于广大干部员工在改革发展大潮中批准价值坐标、提升专业水平。 Planning language “State-owned enterprises are an important force that strengthens the comprehensive strength of our country and protects the common interests of the people and must be handled rationally and vigorously.” This is General Secretary Xi Jinping’s expectations and demands to us. And “the best of both worlds, world-class ” proposed, it is the network company from the details, the depths, the central authorities to implement the requirements and achieve the grand goal of the specific means and ways to achieve. Standing on the new starting point for a new round of reform and development, Yunnan Power Grid Corporation held a half-year working meeting to fully implement the principle of the South Network and aimed at the strategic goal of “implementing the two best and two best and world-class” and actively undertaking the development goals of “185611” , Explicitly focus, point on the “three tasks to complete to promote the three major projects to grasp the six key” strategic move to undertake a good strategic goal of China Southern Power Grid. The trumpets have sounded. , The strategic direction of the reform and development of the “13th Five-Year Plan” of the Company and its main targets and implementation measures will be clearer and more conducive to the approval of value coordinates and professional standards by cadres and employees in the tide of reform and development.
Improvement in the osmoregulation capacity via nutritional supplies is vitally important in shrimp aquaculture.The effects of dietary protein levels on the osmo