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Objective To investigate the effects of losartan, a specific angiotensin II receptor blocker, on slowing progression of renal insufficiency in patients with biopsy-proven chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) and the molecular mechanism of the therapy. Methods Twenty-two renal transplant recipients with biopsy-proven CAN (group A) were treated with losartan within two months after renal dysfunction for at least one year. Losartan was administered at a dose of 50 mg/d. Twenty-four recipients in the same fashion (group B) who never received angiotensin II receptor antagonist were studied as control. The inves- tigation time for each patient lasted one year. Renal functions and concentrations of plasma and urine transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) were compared between the two groups at the initiation and end of the study. In group A, expres- sions of TGF-beta1 mRNA and immunofluorescence intensity of TGF-beta1 protein and pathological alterations in renal biopsy specimens were compared between before losartan therapy and after one year of the therapy. Results At the initiation of the investigation, no significant differences were found between group A and group B in clinical data such as donor age, cold-ischemia time, HLA mismatch, levels of creatinine clearance (Ccr), plasma and urine TGF-beta1 concentrations. One year later, 14 of 22 (63.6%) patients showed stable or improved graft functions in group A, and 4 of 24 (16.7%) in group B. The difference was significant (P < 0.05). At the end of the study, urine TGF-beta1 concentration was 273.8 ± 84.1 pg/mg·Cr in group A and 457.2 ± 78.9 pg/mg·Cr in group B. During one year study period, loss of Ccr was 6.6 ± 5.4 mL/min in group A and 16.2 ± 9.1 mL/min in group B. Both of the differences were significant between the two groups (P < 0.01). No significant differences were found in plasma TGF-beta1 concentrations between the four values determined at the initiation and end of the study in the two groups (F = 2.56, P > 0.05). After one year losartan therapy, group A showed a significant decrease in expressions of TGF-beta1 mRNA and TGF-beta1 protein in renal biopsy specimens [from 1.59 ± 0.35 to 0.96 ± 0.27 and from (10.83 ± 2.33)×106 to (6.41 ± 1.53)×106, respectively; both P < 0.01], but in light microscopy the histological changes were similar to the first renal biopsy. Losartan was excellently tolerated in all patients in group A. No cases with losartan therapy showed too low blood pressure and other side effects. Conclusion This study suggests that losartan have an effect on slowing progression of CAN. Reducing production of intrarenal TGF-beta1 may play a decisive role in the efficacy of losartan. Objective To investigate the effects of losartan, a specific angiotensin II receptor blocker, on slowing progression of renal insufficiency in patients with biopsy-proven chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) and the molecular mechanism of the therapy. Methods Twenty-two renal transplant recipients with biopsy -proven CAN (group A) were treated with losartan within two months after renal dysfunction for at least one year. Losartan was administered at a dose of 50 mg / d. Twenty-four recipients in the same fashion (group B) who never received Renal functions and concentrations of plasma and urine transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) were compared between the two groups at the initiation and end of the study. In group A, expres- sions of TGF-beta1 mRNA and immunofluorescence intensity of TGF-beta1 protein and pathological alterations in renal biopsy specimens were com Results from the initiation of the investigation, no significant differences were found between group A and group B in clinical data such as donor age, cold-ischemia time, HLA mismatch, levels of One year later, 14 of 22 (63.6%) patients showed stable or improved graft functions in group A, and 4 of 24 (16.7%) in group B. The difference was the significant (P <0.05). At the end of the study, urine TGF-beta1 concentration was 273.8 ± 84.1 pg / mg · Cr in group A and 457.2 ± 78.9 pg / mg · Cr in group B. During one year study period , loss of Ccr was 6.6 ± 5.4 mL / min in group A and 16.2 ± 9.1 mL / min in group B. Both of the differences were significant between the two groups (P <0.01). No significant differences were found in plasma TGF- beta1 concentrations between the four values ​​determined at the initiation and end of the study in the two groups (F = 2 .56, p> 0.05). After a year of losartan therapy, group A showed a significant decrease in expressions of TGF-beta1 mRNA and TGF-beta1 protein in renal biopsy specimens [from 1.59 ± 0.35 to 0.96 ± 0.27 and from (10.83 ± 2.33) × 106 to (6.41 ± 1.53) × 106, respectively; both P <0.01], but in light microscopy the histological changes were similar to the first renal biopsy. Losartan was excellently tolerated in all patients in group A. No cases with losartan therapy showed too low blood pressure and other side effects. Conclusion This study suggests that losartan have an effect on slowing progression of CAN. Reducing production of intrarenal TGF-beta1 may play a decisive role in the efficacy of losartan.
文 [1 ]证明了wbwc+wcwb≥ bc +cb ,①其中wb、wc 表示边b、c对角的平分线 .以下 p表示半周长 ,pb=p -b ,等等 .本文证明wbwc+wcwb≤ pbpc+pcpb.②证明 :② wbwc( wcwb-pbpc) ( wcwb-pcpb)≤ 0 .③由于②关于b、 [1] proved that wbwc+wc
连接体问题按相互连接的物体的运动情况来分有 :不在同一直线上运动和在同一直线上运动两种情况 .学生对不在同一直线上运动的连接体问题普遍感到困难 ,本文结合例题作分析讨
 元素及化合物推断题主要是为了考查学生综合分析能力和逻辑推理能力 ,解答此类题目的关键是抓住元素、化合物的特性 ,挖掘解题题眼 ,并以此为突破口 ,便可顺利解答。下面就
抽象函数问题是没有给出具体的函数形式 (或虽给出具体形式 ,但其考查目的更具有抽象意义 )的函数问题 .本文将对高考中的抽象型函数试题进行分类研究 ,旨在帮助同学们掌握其
拿到吴欢章先生的散文集《回看风华》已是隆冬时节,翻阅这本厚实的散文作品却如同沐浴久违的阳光,暖洋洋的,甚是享受。吴欢章先生于1959年毕业于复旦大学中文系,那时的 It i
十三岁那年,我的命运因为一次捉迷藏而改变。  那时,我父亲在一家工厂做仓库保管员,母亲在一个区级工人文化宫做图书馆管理员。我是他们收养的独女。父母的收入虽然不高,但只有我这一个孩子,加上住在东城的姥姥,时常的补贴,所以我们的日子也算得上小康。  由于家里没玩伴,我常常跑出去找胡同里的小孩玩。那个傍晚,只有二毛、小娅、苏苏和我四个人出来玩,我提议去妈妈工作的图书馆捉迷藏。她们都兴奋地同意了。因为那天