Phenotypic variation in thirteen native provenances of Lespedeza bicolor Turcz

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icetuping
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Lespedeza bicolor Turcz is a native shrub in the temperate region of China. Thirteen provenances of L. bicolor were inves-tigated in our study. Morphological diversity among and within provenances were analyzed based on 19 phenotypic traits, including seven vegetative growth characteristics, nine floral traits and three pod characteristics. The coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 6.4% to 65.4% and the phenotypic differentiation coefficient from 43.3% to 97.3%. Analyses of variance showed that there were extremely significant variations among and within provenances in pod length. Differences in plant height, inter-nodal length, number of branches, leaf width, leaf length and leaf area were not remarkable among provenance, but distinct within provenances. Other traits showed evidence of contrasts. Variation among provenances was the main part of phenotypic variation. Correlation analysis indicated that there were highly significant positive correlations between plant height and other vegetative growth characteristics. Floral traits were not associated with vegetative growth characteristics. The 13 provenances of L. bicolor investigated can be classi-fied into three groups according to a UPGMA cluster analysis. Thirteen provenances of L. bicolor were inves-tigated in our study. Morphological diversity among and within provenances were analyzed based on 19 phenotypic traits, including seven vegetative growth characteristics, nine floral traits and three pod characteristics. The coefficients of variation (CV) ranged from 6.4% to 65.4% and the phenotypic differentiation coefficient from 43.3% to 97.3%. Analyses of variance showed that there were extremely significant variations among and within provenances in pod length. Differences in plant height, inter-nodal length, number of branches, leaf width, leaf length and leaf area were not remarkable among provenances, but distinct within provenances. Other traits showed evidence of contrasts. Variation among provenances was the main part of phenotypic variation Correlation analysis indicated that there were highly significant positive correlations between plant height and oth er vegetative growth characteristics. Floral traits were not associated with vegetative growth characteristics. The 13 provenances of L. bicolor investigated can be classi-fied into three groups according to a UPGMA cluster analysis.
一、选题背景 金融控股公司是金融业由分业经营向混业经营转变的过程中的一种过渡形式,属于金融机构创新的范畴。这种集团组织形式具备规模经济,范围经济和协同效应等优势,因