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那条被誉为“北京脊梁”长达7.8公里的南北中轴线贯穿了整个北京城,演绎着北京城市文明的千年过去与现在,不仅传承了中国文化的千年厚重和现代,也造就了北京城市文化的神奇与壮美。而2008北京奥运的科技圣火让这条“北京脊梁”将继续向北延展,演绎并延绵着北京城市脊梁的未来,那一切都将隐含这片金色的“鸟巢”后。森林、公园、鸟巢、水立方——一片绿色的森林,一个城市的生态森林公园,一个“鸟的钢巢”,一个“水的立方”,在这个刚柔并济的“钢”与“水”的世界里,在这片金色的“鸟巢”后,北京城市的历史、人文、科技完美地消融在自然山水之中,与自然融为一体。金色的“鸟巢”后,人文的景观,绿色的生态,科技的脊梁,是一幅自主创新铸就的奥运科技图画,也已然是一片以自主创新点亮的奥运科技冉冉圣火! The north-south axis, which is honored as the “Beijing spine” with a length of 7.8 kilometers, runs through the entire city of Beijing. It interprets the millennium of Beijing's urban civilization. The past and present, not only inherited the thick and modern millennium of Chinese culture, but also created The Magic and Magnificence of Beijing Urban Culture. The 2008 Beijing Olympic flame of technology so that the “Beijing backbone” will continue to extend to the north, interpretation and development of Beijing's urban spine of the future, all that will imply the golden “Bird's Nest” after. Forest, Park, Bird's Nest, Water Cube - a green forest, an urban ecological forest park, a “steel nest of birds”, a “water cube”, in this rigid and soft “steel” and “water ”In this world, after this golden“ Bird's Nest ”, the history, culture and technology of Beijing's city are perfectly absorbed in the natural landscape and integrated with nature. Golden “Bird's Nest”, the human landscape, green ecology, the backbone of science and technology, is a self-innovation created by the Olympic science and technology drawings, it is already a light of Olympic innovation lit technical revolution flame!
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