A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of Caisangzi—Chongyang from the Perspective of the Three

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:applechenli
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  【Abstract】The paper,with the Three Beauties Principle as its theoretical foundation,discusses and analyzes the two English translations of Caisangzi-Chongyang from two Chinese translators,Xu Yuanchong and Gu Hongming.By making a comparison between the two versions,the paper verifies the feasibility of the Three Beauties Principle in traditional Chinese poetry translation,and concludes that it is hard to keep three beauties together in one translated poem.
  【Key words】Caisangzi-Chongyang; Gu Hongming; Three Beauties Principle; Xu Yuanchong
  Caisangzi-Chongyang was written on September 9th to the lunar calendar in 1929,when Mao Zedong was taking rest to regain his health in the Chinese Civil War.During the war in Fujian,Mao had no time to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival,but facing beautiful flowers,though in sickness,he could not stop expressing his optimistic attitude.The two translations are from Xu Yuanchong and Gu Hongming.They apply different translation strategies to keep three beauties in the poem.The paper raises concerns about the differences between the two versions and then compares which one works better in conveying the beauty of sense,sound,and form.
  Ⅱ.Theoretical Framework
  The Three Beauties Principle was put forward by the prestigious translator Xu Yuanchong in 1980s out of his translations for ages.In the article Third Study on “Message Beauty,Prosodic Beauty,Image Beauty”,Xu discussed it in detail.Three Beauties are beauty in sense,sound,and form.Beauty in sense emphasizes that the profound meanings hidden in poems are the kernels of poems,and the major job of translators is to translate the sense,which will be of great importance for target readers to understand poems.Beauty in sound indicates that poems,usually traditional poems rather than modern free verse,are in rhyme,assonance,alliteration,and the heroic couplet and so on.So when doing translations,translators are required to keep the rhyme as stringently as possible.Beauty in form keeps a watchful eye on poems that are written in some forms,like traditional Chinese seven-character octaves that there are only seven characters in each line,and the poem covers 4-8 lines.Xu(1983)holds the opinion that beauty in sense ranks first,beauty in sound second,and beauty in form last.If there is a conflict among them,translators are expected to put beauty in sense first,and then try to keep beauty in sound; if translators succeed in maintaining the beauty in sense and sound,they will do their utmost to keep beauty in form; also they need to make great efforts to keep the three beauties in one poem (Xu,1983).Beauty in sense is the essence of poems.However,in pragmatic translations,Xu finds it is really hard to maintain three beauties in a translated poem without losing anything,but a poem that makes the least sacrifice to three beauties could be seen as a well-translated text (Xu,1983).   Ⅳ.Conclusions
  The American poet Robert Frost said that “Poetry is what gets lost in translation.” Through discussing and analyzing the two English versions of Caisangzi-Chongyang,it is clear that the two versions keep beauty of sense effectively,though some words are not felicitous enough sometimes.For beauty of sound and form,Xu’s translation strictly follows the source rhyme; but for target readers,Gu’s translation is like Western poems with more domestication strategies.In summary,both translations offer Occidentals a good opportunity to read traditional Chinese poems and get in touch with Chinese culture,but perhaps it is prudent to recommend Xu Yuanchong to Western readers that are reading it for the first time.
  [1]Xiao,L.M.English-Chinese Comparative Studies and Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2010.
  [2]Xu,Y.C.Second Study on Message Beauty,Prosodic Beauty,Image Beauty[J].Foreign Language Research.1983(8):68-75.
  [3]Xu,Y.C.Third Study on Message Beauty,Prosodic Beauty,Image Beauty[J].Journal of Shenzhen University (Humanities
【摘要】在英语故事教学中培养学生的批判性思维能力有助于学生深层次的解读英文文本,同时也有利于提高学生的英语的综合能力和思维能力。随着英语新课程改革的深入,英语教学已逐渐突破以往以单词、句子理解等为主的浅层次阅读教学模式,更加注重对学生深层次阅读能力的训练。笔者结合自己的教学实践,以《The Hungry Dragon》的教学为例,浅谈了在故事教学中培养学生批判性思维能力所采取的对策及带来的教学思考
【摘要】英语属于国际性语言,随着全球经济一体化的推进,我国更多的参与到世界性活动中来,社会对英语人才的需求量日益增大,而中等师范学校肩负着为小学幼儿教育输送优秀教师的重要任务,英语教学也应当受到应有的重视。本文结合笔者实际教学经验,探讨了中等师范英语教学有效性的提升策略。  【关键词】中等师范学校 英语教学 有效性  中等师范专业英语课堂教学必须要以促进学生英语应用能力为前提,不断提高他们的英语综
【摘要】为了让学生学好语音,进而学好英语,就必须提高对语音教学的有效性。首先要培养学生的语音意识,其次是鼓励学生大胆模仿,再结合多样的方法进行趣味教学。只要我们潜心探索,大胆地去创新,“枯燥”的语音教学就会变成乐趣。  【关键词】语音教学 有效性  语言有三大要素:语音、词汇和语法,其中语音是最基本的因素。语音是学好语言的基础。自然规范的语音、语调是口语交际的基础。在小学英语教学中,教师应特别重视
【摘要】陶行知是伟大的人民教育家,主张“生活化”教育,反对死教育。我们在英语教学中要活用陶行知教育思想,结合生活实际进行言语实践,培养学生的英语综合能力。笔者认为当下英语教学中要积极渗透情感教育,活用体验式教学,活用创造性教学。  【关键词】陶行知 情感教育 体验式教学 创造性教学  陶行知在《活的教育》一文中指出:“用活的人教活的人,拿活的东西去教活的学生,拿活的书籍去教小孩。”先生一贯主张活教
【摘要】英语教育作为高中的公共课程之一,在新环境下,我们必须不断提高改变学习理念,创新学习方法,更新探索模式;培养自主学习,自我探索的学习英语积极性,将理论与实际相结合,切实提高英语学习成绩和学习能力。在“互联网 ”成为时代潮流的背景下,本文通过对高中英语教学现状的研究,探索英语学习新方法,新思路和新模式。  【关键词】“互联网 ”高中英语教学方法  随着信息技术的快速发展,教育信息化为我们的英语
所谓的“小学英语单元整体设计”是指在小学英语教学中采用的一种单元整体设计与实施的理念和意识,即在教材单元主题的引导下,通过整合教材板块、活动内容、练习内容与丰富的课外课程资源,进行单元整体考虑的教学设计与实施。其目的在于优化教学设计,实施结构化教学,提高学与教的质效。  鉴于本人平时的教学经验与案例,在平时英语教学中,依据学生的学习情况对单元整体设计的具体措施如下:  一、基于文本再构的单元整体设
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兴趣是一个人对某种事物带有趋向性的心理特征,是积极认识事物或从事某种活动的心理倾向。培养学习兴趣是小学生学习英语的内在动力,也是学生自主学习的重要前提。小学英语教师应丰富教学方法,激发学生兴趣,挖掘学生的英语学生潜力,才能实现寓教于乐的教学目标,才能全面提高小学英语课堂教学效率。  一、设置情境,激发兴趣  小学生正处于关键的成长阶段,这个成长阶段的孩子具有活泼贪玩的个性,并且对万事万物具有强烈的