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辛亥革命百年纪念中呈现出不同的政治立场和历史叙述逻辑,官方的革命史观与民间的自由史观各有其理据和局限,而保守改良主义是自由知识分子在历史反思与政治成熟过程中的重要选择。《立宪时刻:论〈清帝逊位诏书〉》就是这一选择的重要代表,显示了当代自由知识分子对共和历史的重新理解,其所欲克制的恰恰就是革命史观的激进逻辑,所呼唤的是一种适度尊重历史与传统、秉持理性与包容精神、遵循现代共和原理的宪政框架。百年共和以激进主义革命和先进政党领导的形式完成了“救亡图存”的历史任务和现代民族国家的初步建构,但其过程远未终结。如何在宪法思想的高度下关照中国宪政之“双重代表制”的根本疑难,如何在新的改革时期确立适应政治社会新格局的核心治理原则体系并予以理性上的制度化,如何通过制度化的“公民性”建构出“人民”实在而饱满的意志来为共和国提供稳固发展之根基,这些均构成了当代法政学人的核心使命。 The centenary of Revolution of 1911 showed different political standpoints and logic of historical narration. Both the official view of revolutionary history and the view of free history of the people have their own grounds and limitations. However, conservative reformism is the most important part of free intellectuals in the process of historical reflection and political maturity Important choice. The moment of constitutionalism: On the edict of “the abdication of the Qing dynasty” is an important representative of this choice. It shows that the contemporary liberal intellectuals have to re-understand the history of the republic. What they want to restrain is precisely the radical logic of the revolutionary historical view, which is called Is a constitutional framework that appropriately respects history and tradition, upholds the spirit of rationality and tolerance and follows the principle of modern republic. The centenary republic completed the historical mission of “saving the nation by saving itself” and the initial construction of a modern nation-state in the form of a radical revolution and advanced party leadership. However, the process is far from over. How to take care of the fundamental doubts about the “dual representation” of China’s constitutionalism from the perspective of constitutionalism and how to establish a system of principles of core governance that suits the new pattern of political and social changes during the new reform period and how to institutionalize it rationally The constitutional “people” real and full will to provide the foundation for the stable development of the Republic, all of which constitute the core mission of modern jurisconsults.
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