
来源 :英语沙龙(实战版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hehong405
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2005年的考研英语大纲终于面世了。引起人们关注的是2005年硕士研究生入学考试中的英语部分将发生三点变化。变化一:在统考中取消了听力部分内容,将听力的考核放到复试阶段进行。变化二:在阅读理解部分内新设了“选择搭配题”。在一篇总长500~600字的文章中有五段空白,文章后有六七段文字,请考生根据文章内容选择恰当的文字填入原文,使原文上下文语义连贯、逻辑通顺。满分10分。变化三:新增加一篇作文,使作文考试变成两篇。新增的 The graduate degree in English in 2005 was finally published. It is cause for concern that there will be three changes in the English part of the 2005 graduate entrance exam. Change 1: In the unified examination, the hearing part was canceled, and the assessment of hearing was placed in the retest stage. Change 2: In the reading comprehension section, a new “choice collocation question” is created. In an article with a total length of 500-600 words, there are five blank paragraphs. After the article has six or seven paragraphs of text, candidates are required to select the appropriate text according to the content of the article and fill in the original text so that the original context is semantically coherent and logically fluent. Out of 10 points. Change 3: Add a new composition to make the composition exam into two pieces. Added
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