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粤优二号是广东省农科院组配成功的优良杂种一代西瓜。1985年我局科技人员从广东省引进试种,2斤种子试种19亩西瓜,分布在胡桥乡、庄行乡及平安乡桐桥村、齐贤乡百曲村、钱桥乡花角村、肖塘乡陈湾村等地。一般亩产50担,其中胡桥乡瓜农沈伯仁试种,亩产达59.2担。经过总结品比,1986年全县打算扩大试种5000亩左右。现将试种情况小结如下: 该品种呈长圆形,单瓜重12斤左右,最大达19~25斤,果皮洗清色并有绿网纹,表面光滑美观,果肉红色,含糖度11度,肉质清甜、八成熟时肉质沙甜可口。胡桥乡试种2.8亩粤优二号,3月18日育苗,4 Guangdong YUEYU 2 is the excellent hybrid generation watermelon successfully assembled by Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1985 Bureau of Science and Technology personnel from the introduction of the test in Guangdong Province, 2 kg of seeds planted 19 acres of watermelon, located in Huqiao Township, Zhuang Xiang and Ping Township, Tongqiao Village, Qixian Township 100 Qu Village, Qianqiao Township Flower Corner Village, Xiao Tong Township, Chen Wancun and other places. General 50 per mu yield, of which Hu Peixiang melon farmers Shen Boren trial, yield of 59.2 Tam. After summarizing the ratio, 1986, the county plans to expand about 5,000 acres of trial planting. The trial is now summarized as follows: The variety was oblong, single melon weighs about 12 pounds, the maximum of 19 to 25 pounds, peel clear green and green net pattern, the surface smooth and beautiful, red flesh, sugar content of 11 degrees , Sweet and succulent meat, eight sweet and sour meat sweet and delicious. Huqiao Township trial planting 2.8 acres of yue gifted, march 18 nursery, 4
二代测序(next generation sequencing,NGS)已成为中国临床肿瘤医生常用检测工具,而中国超90%临床医生需要NGS报告解读支持.因此,为提升临床医生NGS报告解读能力,特编写了NGS
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印度尼西亚投资和国企振兴国务部长罗齐·穆尼尔日前透露 ,瓦希德总统已指示划分印尼吸引外资的区域 ,美国的拉塞尔集团已承诺今年10月份在印尼投资40亿美元。他说 ,北苏门答腊省