(一) 黄钰生(字子坚,1898-1990)是南开大学校长张伯苓的得意门生。1916年南开中学毕业后,考入清华留美学校,1919年官费赴美留学,主修教育学,副修心理学,1923年获硕士学位后归国,于1925年任南开大学哲学系教授。由于他品学兼优,又有行政管理能力,1927年被张伯苓聘任为南开学校大学部主任,后改称秘书长。张伯苓办学有一套独具特色的学校科学管理办法,使学校队伍精干,办事效率较高,成为勤俭办学的典范。张伯苓善于选贤任能,任人不疑。他办南开中学有得力助手中学主任喻传鉴,办南开大学离不开黄钰生。喻、黄都是张伯苓的得意门生,又都是专攻教育学的专家。张伯苓分别委以重任,授予全权,使这二位专家发挥教育才能和行政才能,把学校办得各有特色,闻名于世。南开大学的行政组织结构不象别的大学那样设有教务长、总务长、训导长、控长办公室主任等职务,而仅
(A) Huang Yusheng (Zi Jian, 1898-1990) is the proud student Zhang Nailing Nankai University. In 1916 Nankai graduated from high school, admitted to the Tsinghua University in the United States, in 1919 officer fees went to the United States to study, majoring in pedagogy, minor psychology, 1923 master’s degree returned, in 1925Nankai UniversityDepartment of philosophy professor. Because of his good academic performance, but also administrative ability, Zhang Boling employed in 1927 as head of the Nankai School, later renamed the Secretary-General. Zhang Boling school has a unique set of scientific management practices in schools, the school team capable, efficient service, a thrift school model. Zhang Boling good at the election of any talent, no doubt. He did Nankai middle school assistant director of secondary school Yu Chuan Kam, Nankai University can not do without Huang Yu students. Metaphor, Huang are Bo Boling’s favorite students, but also are experts specializing in pedagogy. Zhang Boling was entrusted with the important task of giving the full powers so that the two experts can exert their educational and administrative abilities and make the schools unique and famous. Nankai University, the administrative organization does not like other universities as Dean, Chief of General, Director of training, control director of the office and other positions, and only