
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:axjlzpf
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PURPOSE: Water for colostomy irrigation is largely absorbed by the colon, whic h may result in less efficient expulsion of stool. This study compared the outco me of colonic cleansing with water and polyethylene glycol solution. METHODS: In a cross-over study, 41 colostomy irrigators were randomly assigned to water or polyethylene glycol solution irrigation first and then the other regimen, each for one week. Patients recorded fluid inflow time, total wash-out time, cramps, leakage episodes, number of stoma pouches used, and satisfaction scores (Visual Analog Scale, 1-10: 1 = poor, and 10 = excellent). The median and interquartil e range for each variable was calculated, and the two treatments were compared ( Wilcoxon’s test). RESULTS: Eight patients failed to complete the study. Thirty -three patients (20 females; mean age, 55 (range, 39-73) years) provided 352 i rrigation sessions: water (n = 176), and polyethylene glycol solution (n = 176). Irrigation was performed every 24, 48, and 72 hours by 17, 9, and 7 patients re spectively, using 500 ml (n = 1), 750 ml (n = 2), 1,000 ml (n = 16), 1,500 ml (n = 11), 2,000 ml (n = 2), and 3,500 ml (n = 1) of fluid. The median and interqua rtile range for water vs. polyethylene glycol solution were: fluid inflow time ( 6 (range, 4.4-10.8) vs. 6.3 (range, 4.1-11) minutes; P = 0.48), total washout time (53 (range, 33-69) vs. 38 (range, 28-55) minutes; P = 0.01), leakage epis odes (2.3 (range, 1.7-3.8) vs. 0.7 (range, 0.2-1); P < 0.001), satisfaction sc ore (5.8 (range, 4-7.5) vs. 8.8 (range, 8.3-10); P < 0.001), and stoma pouch u sage per week (75 (range, 45-80) vs. 43 (range, 0-80); P = 0.008). No differen ce was demonstrated for frequency of cramps (P = 0.24). CONCLUSIONS: Polyethylen e glycol solution performed significantly better than water and may be a superio r alternative fluid regimen for colostomy irrigation. PURPOSE: Water for colostomy irrigation is largely absorbed by the colon, whic h may result in less efficient expulsion of stool. This study compared the outco me of colonic cleansing with water and polyethylene glycol solution. METHODS: In a cross-over study, 41 colostomy irrigators were randomly assigned to water or polyethylene glycol solution irrigation first and then the other regimen, each for one week. Patients recorded fluid inflow time, total wash-out time, cramps, leakage episodes, number of stoma pouches used, and satisfaction scores The median and interquartile e range for each variable was calculated, and the two treatments were compared (Wilcoxon’s test). RESULTS: Eight patients failed to complete the Thirty-three patients (20 females; mean age, 55 (range, 39-73) years) provided 352 i rrigation sessions: water (n = 176), and polyethylene glycol solution 24, 48, and 72 hours by 17, 9 and 7 patients re spectively, using 500 ml (n = 1), 750 ml (n = 2), 1,000 ml (n = 16), 1,500 ml = 2), and 3,500 ml (n = 1) of fluid. The median and interqua rtile range for water vs. polyethylene glycol solution were: fluid inflow time (6 (range, 4.4-10.8) vs. 6.3 (2.3 (range, 1.7-3.8) minutes); total washout time (53 (range, 33-69) vs. 38 (range, 28-55) minutes; P = vs. 0.7 (range, 0.2-1); P <0.001), scores (5.8 (range, 4-7.5) vs. 8.8 (range, 8.3-10); P <0.001), and stoma pouch u sage per week (75 (range, 45-80) vs. 43 (range, 0-80); P = 0.008). No differen ce was demonstrated for frequency of cramps (P = 0.24). CONCLUSIONS: Polyethylen e glycol solution observed significantly better than water and may be a superio r alternative fluid regimen for colostomy irrigation.
兵马未动,粮草先行,远征作战更是 如此。在美国海军中,充当打手的是航空 母舰、两栖攻击舰、导弹巡洋舰、驱逐舰 和攻击型核动力潜艇等舰艇,它们因冲锋 陷阵而闻名于世。然而
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苏联很早就进行过尝试开发能够模拟敌方飞机飞行特性的无线电遥控无人靶机,1938年曾将图波列夫TB-1改造成为无人靶机。战后苏联继续进行尝试,先后将图-2和雅克-9改造成无人靶机,这些研究项目于1951年宣告终止。    开山之作:M-15    喷气时代的到来,使苏联国土防空-军战斗机部队需要大量的靶机以便供战斗机飞行员们用于训练。这些靶机必须具有和作战飞机基本相同的性能,特别是在飞行速度方面。单