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重庆天东 5 - 1井是一口侧钻井 ,也是大天池构造带第一口飞仙关层试油获气的气井。该井硫化氢含量高达97.76 g/ m3 ,二氧化碳含量 4 4.70 6 g/ m3 ,经有关专家论证后 ,为保护套管不受酸性气体腐蚀 ,决定对该井采用插管封隔器完井。该井进行超正压射孔 ,并成功完成酸化后测试获? Well Tiandong Well 5 - 1 is a side - drilled well, which is also the first gas well to be gasified and tested by Feixianguan Formation in Dayitai structural belt. The well has a hydrogen sulfide content of 97.76 g / m 3 and a carbon content of 4.70 6 g / m 3. After the relevant experts have argued, it is decided to use a cannula packer to complete the well to protect the casing from acid gas corrosion. The well over-injection hole, and the successful completion of the acidification test was?
今年 4月 2 2日是第 33个世界地球日 ,世界各地都举办了各种纪念活动 ,我国政府确定今年活动的主题是“善待地球”。地球作为太阳系中唯一适宜人类生存和发展的星球。在人类
国际水力研究协会(International Association for Hydraulic Research,以下简称IAHR)是一个国际性民间组织。该协会下分三个专题组:1 环境流体力学及水资源;2 实验及数理流
In order to unify the time and the space attributes into temporal-spatial distance, the temporal-spatial proportional coefficient fTS is proposed in this paper.
Tanlu Fault Zone (TFZ) is a large NE trending deep fracture system in East China and is about 2500 km long. It extends from the south of Lujiang to Tancheng, an
铜矿是我国的紧缺矿产 ,在有色金属中 ,铜的产量仅次于铝 ,因而铜在国民经济中始终占有重要的地位。斑岩铜矿、块状硫化物铜矿床均属世界铜矿的主要工业类型。近年来 ,国外在
The characteristics and the models of rare earth elements in the geological bodies and the hydrothermal water balanced with the adamellite were comprehensively
为了总结交流同位素示踪注水剖面测井技术 ,《同位素示踪注水剖面测井研讨会》于 2 0 0 1年 7月 1 0日至 7月 1 3日在山西省大同市召开。本次会议由中国核学会同位素学会主办