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小院的围墙爬满了绿色的藤条,叶子、枝条都很嫩、很翠,上午的阳光照得藤条枝枝蔓蔓充满盎然的神气,让人仿佛能看到那些嫩绿而透明的枝条中间吸满了清澈的水。 能开的花都开了。 静谧的院子沁凉沁凉的,靠西南角有三个铁丝笼子,两只山鸡两只孔雀安静地站着、卧着。这是广州美术学院西南角的一所小院,关山月先生的寓所。 我去广州出差,向老作家老烈(苏烈)先生问安。苏老在电话里说:你去看看关山月!他最近有一个纪念抗战胜利50周年的展览,各方面反响很大,你去看看他吧。 这样我才到了关老的家。关老的女儿关怡先出来接待我。阳光透过疏朗的竹叶,斑斑点点地洒进客厅,一只小狗在地上趴着,见有客人来了,就悄悄地走出去了。关老的老厅很大,但东西放得满满的。墙上挂着关老的老师高剑父的书法,关老自己书写的对联——狂笔大草:“狂非轻法度,似要厚风神”,毛泽东为傅抱石、关山月合作《江山如此多娇》的题字手迹复印件,两尊关山月塑像,风神盎然。几年前珠江电影制片厂老导演王为一先生拍摄《关山月的画和话》电视片,在珠影厂首映,我先睹为快。片中对这间屋子的各个角落都拍摄到了,所以我对这个客厅并不陌生。 Small courtyard walls covered with green rattan, leaves, branches are very tender, it is Tsui, the sunshine in the morning light of rattan branches and vine full of exuberance, people seem to be able to see those tender and transparent branches in the middle Full of clear water. Can open the flowers are opened. The quiet courtyard Qinlian Qinliang, by the southwest corner has three wire cages, two peacocks two pheasants stood quietly, lying. This is a small hospital in the southwest corner of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Mr. Guanshan month’s apartment. I went to Guangzhou on a business trip and asked the old writer Lao Lie (Sulie) for peace. Su said on the phone: You go and see Guan Shanyue! He recently had an exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance in all aspects of a great response, you go and see him. That’s when I arrived at the old home. Off the old daughter Guan Yue first came to me. Sunshine through the thin bamboo leaf, streaked into the living room, a puppy lying on the ground, see the guests came, they quietly went out. Off the old hall is very large, but things are full. On the wall hanging off the old teacher Gao Jianfu’s calligraphy, the old couple writing their own couplet - crazy Pen big grass: “mad non-light method, it seems thick wind God”, Mao Zedong Fu Baoshi, Guan Shanyue cooperation “Jiangshan so Jiaojiao ”copy of the inscriptions handwriting, two statue of Guan Shanyue, Fengshen Guran. A few years ago, the former Director of Pearl River Film Studio, Mr. Wang Wei, filmed the TV drama “Guan Shan Yue’s Paintings and Talents,” premiered at the Pearl Film Factory. The film shot of every corner of the room, so I was no stranger to this living room.
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