雅典奥运会刚刚偃旗息鼓,身为我国皮划艇运动队营养师的北京体育大学博士袁守龙,在为中国奥运健儿骄人成绩自豪的同时,对在雅典奥运会吃的“饭”感触颇深。雅典奥运会的运动员食谱早在两年前就确定了, 在北京召开的第十一届亚运会的运动员食谱更是三年前就制定出来了,那么2008年北京奥运会的运动员食谱何时出炉呢?“2008年北京奥运会的‘饭’,我们要早点张罗,建议尽快启动奥运食品工程。”在九三学社北京市
Athens Olympic Games has just died down, as China’s kayaking team dietitian Beijing Sport University Dr. Yuan Shoulong, proud of the Chinese Olympic athletes proud of the same time, eat in the Athens Olympic Games “deep feeling. The Athens Olympic Games athletes recipes as early as two years ago to determine, held in Beijing, the eleventh Asian Games athletes recipes was formulated three years ago, then when the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games athletes recipes when it came out? ”2008 Beijing Olympic Games ’rice’, we have to get started early, it is recommended to start the Olympic food project as soon as possible." Jiu San Society Beijing