清除舊思想 邁向光明道

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过去,我們在农村作阿洪当海里法的,一般都依靠清真寺的土地收入和其他宗教收入过着不劳而食的剝削生活。农业合作化后,原属清真寺的上地也都在群众的同意下交由合作社统一经营,农民不再向清真寺交納地租,从那时起,我們阿洪和海里法即单靠宗教牧入(这种收入虽不是固定的,但性貭上仍然是不劳而获的剝削收入)来維持生活。对此,有些阿洪和海里法就产生了許多思想問題,顾虑重重,最重要的是担心生活問題无法解决,前途没啥希望了。这些人之所以会有这样的想法,据我看,这一方面是由于学习不够,对祖国的社会主义制度和社会主义建設的光輝前景还未认識清楚;另一方面是因为不愿意放弃旧 In the past, when we used Ah-nakhonfarran in rural areas, we generally resort to non-stop exploitative living on mosques’ land and other religious incomes. After the co-operation in agriculture, the original mosque was handed over to the unified management of the cooperatives with the consent of the masses, and the peasants no longer paid rent to the mosque. From then on, Although this income is not fixed, it is still an exploitative exploitation income on the basis of sex) to sustain life. In this regard, some Ah Hong and Nahalifa have had many ideological problems. They have many concerns and, most importantly, they worry that life’s problems can not be solved and there is no hope for the future. The reason why these people have such thoughts is, in my opinion, partly due to lack of study, the fact that the brilliant prospects for the socialist system and socialist construction in the motherland are not clearly understood, and on the other hand, the unwillingness to abandon the old
随着磁共振波谱成像(Magnetic Resonancespectroscopy,MRS)被美国食品及药物管理局正式批准,神经放射学进入了一个新时代。MRS是一种无创性的检查方法,可以提供脑的代谢信息,在显
淀粉样蛋白是由蛋白分子交错折叠产生,β-褶片(β-pleated sheet)的广泛形成使其易于自身聚集,形成不可溶性纤维,并对刚果红染料呈高亲和性[1,2].目前已发现25种以上淀粉样蛋白及更多的变种,它们能沉积于各种器官组织,损伤其功能导致淀粉样变病[1,2]。
For ion cyclotron resonance heating, the current on the antenna surface exists in aform of standing wave, and the phase of the poloidal current standing wave a