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江苏省宜兴水泥厂坚持思想政治工作,全厂职工团结一致,推动了生产的发展,提高了综合经济效果,1981年以来,主要技术经济指标都达到建厂以来的最好水平。一、采取多种形式,因时因地制宜,做好思想政治工作过去有的同志认为生产是硬指标,思想政治工作是软任务,只要生产好,拿到奖金就可以。他们担心强调思想政治工作会影响生产。当社会上一度刮起片面强调物质利益风,贬低思想政治工作时,厂里即出现少数人讲究生活享受,不遵守制度,纪律松弛等现象。党总支多次召开思想分析会,摆事实,讲道理,从正反两方面论证思想政治工作的重要意义,统一思想,提高认识,加强了思想政治工作,有力地促进了生产。他们的作法是: Yixing Cement Plant of Jiangsu Province persisted in ideological and political work. The whole factory workers unite to promote the development of production and improve the comprehensive economic effect. Since 1981, the major technical and economic indicators have reached the best level since its establishment. First, take various forms, as time goes by, do ideological and political work Some comrades in the past that the production is a hard target, ideological and political work is a soft task, as long as the production is good, get bonuses can be. They worry that emphasizing that ideological and political work will affect production. When the society once drew one-sided emphasis on material interests and belittles ideological and political work, a few people in the factory pay attention to such things as enjoying life, not observing the system, and slackening of discipline. The party branch held many ideological analysis meetings for many times. They put forward facts and reasons and demonstrated the significance of ideological and political work from both the positive and the negative aspects. They unified their thinking and raised their awareness, strengthened their ideological and political work, and effectively promoted their production. Their approach is:
回想孩子的成长历程,我觉得很重要的一点,就是利用小孩对故事的天然好奇,培养了孩子对书的兴趣。 Recalling the child’s growth process, I think it is very important poin